
We choose the interest rates I , the housing price indices ( LPH ) and the land exchange price indices ( LPL ) from the third quarter of 1998 to the second quarter of 2011 as the sample data .
Land requisition compensation standard unable to reflect the land market price .
The paper measures contribution rate of land to economic growth by using land exchange price data in shanghai .
It analyzes the fluctuation range of land price in Wuhan through the way research on foam of land price and the cause of exceptional land price .
The calculation example of CBR in land business demonstrates that the CBR model is effective ; it can be used as the reference for the decision-making on estimating the price in land business .
Then by balanced status , we can estimate the influence of real trade price brought by different parameters and mechanism in auction gambling model .
Government regulation , such as market access control , the lowest price control of land transaction , land quantitative supply control , and income distribution system , which can remedy market failure of the collective construction land transfer , and guide rational resource allocation .
Bidding on the smaller parcel stopped at the bargain price of $ 94000 .
However , the problems of land market are compared obviously since land management is weak .
During the course of urbanization and industrialization rapidly pushing on , the land transaction is frequently , the land price type is diversified , and the change of land uses is acute in urban fringe .