
tǔ dì shǐ yònɡ zhènɡ
  • Land Use Certificate;certificate for land use;land usage permit
  1. 土地使用证管理计算机辅助系统设计

    The Computer Aided Manage System of Land Use Certificate

  2. 那我们可以用新的土地使用证作抵押吗?

    Or we can use the new land use right certificate as a pledge ?

  3. 纳税人:请问契证、房屋所有权证和国有土地使用证可以一起办理吗?

    Can the title deed of house , title of house ownership and state-owned land use permit be handled together ?

  4. 工业城全程代理办妥土地使用证前7天付清全额地价款。

    All of the land value should be paid 7 days before land use certificate is transacted by the industrial zone acting as an agent .

  5. (一)房产经营者领有《土地使用证》和《建筑许可证》;房屋扩建需要获得建筑规划许可。

    The person who is engaged in the building property business has received a Land Use Certificate and a Construction Permit ; House extensions need planning permission .

  6. 通过比较各地对填海造地时缴纳海域使用金的标准,本文提出港口建设用地和港口建设用海的联系,对办理换发土地使用证相关政策进行了探讨。

    Comparing with payment standard of sea area utilization , this article raises connection of port construction land and port construction sea area , and approaches policy of receiving land utilization certificate .

  7. 证件必须齐全,土地使用证、计委批文、开工许可证,建设用地规划许可证,竣工证,预销售许可证。

    Certificate must all ready , land uses card , Committee of planning to approve license of article , start working , build licence of the program that use the land , complete card , sell license beforehand .

  8. 更加迫在眉睫的问题是,盐田港口设施的前景存在一些不确定性,部分土地使用许可证和建设许可证尚未从相关部门获得,部分扩建协议不具有约束性或尚未签署。

    More immediately , there are uncertainties about the prospects of the Yantian facilities , where some land use certificates and construction permits have not been received from the authorities , and some agreements on expansion are non-binding or not yet signed .

  9. 房屋产权与土地使用权两证合一登记探讨本规定所称的房产权,系指房屋(上盖)所有权和该房屋所占用的土地使用权。

    The building property rights referred to in these Provisions shall mean the ownership of buildings ( above the foundation ) and the right to use the land that the buildings occupy .

  10. 第十条土地使用费从发给土地使用证之日起计算。

    Land use fees will be calculated from the date of issue of the certificate of land use .

  11. 合营企业取得批准设立的证书后,应在一个月内向市土地局办理土地使用手续,领取土地使用证。

    Joint ventures that have obtained approval certificates for establishment shall go through the formalities for the use of land at the Municipal Land Bureau within one month and get their land use certificate .