
  1. 土地招拍挂制度下的土地价格测算方法研究

    Study on the Method to Reckoning Land 's Price under the System of Land Tender , Auction and Listing

  2. 土地出让招拍挂制度绩效及其实证分析

    Bid Invitation , Auction and Listing System Performance of Land Selling and Its Empirical Analysis

  3. 同时,在完善的土地市场招拍挂制度、中大型房地产企业陆续加入市场竞争的情况下,企业获得新的开发用地进行持续发展的难度越来越大。

    Meanwhile , in the perfect auction and the land market system , the large real estate companies have joined the market competition ; companies acquire new land for the sustainable development of developing more and more difficult .

  4. 土地招标拍卖挂牌出让制度(以下简称土地招拍挂制度)是国家变革土地出让方式,充分发挥市场机制对土地资源的配置作用,保持国有资产保值增值的重要举措。

    Land bid invitation , auction and listing system is an essential action , which reformed land transferring pattern , allowed full play to market mechanism in land allocation , and keep and raise value of state-owned capital .