
  1. 随着土地出让收益规模的不断膨胀,地方政府越发依赖土地财政,由此引发诸多弊端。

    As the land revenue scale continues to expand , local governments are increasingly dependent on the land finance , which raises some drawbacks .

  2. 随着连年高涨的房价和地方政府不断增加的土地出让收益,地方政府对土地财政形成依赖已成为全社会的共识。

    With successive years of rising house prices and local governments continue to increase in land revenue , local government formation is dependent on land finance has become a society-wide consensus .

  3. 其中,资金来源包括了中央专项资金、地方财政资金、住房公积金贷款、土地出让金净收益、公租房及其配套设施租金、房产税、其他资金等。

    Among them , the funding sources , including the central special funds , local funds , housing provident fund loans , funds of land transfer , rent of public rental housing and public facilities , property taxes , and other funds .

  4. 尤其是土地出让带来的连锁性收益对于政府而言具有极强的吸引力,这也是促成地方政府土地出让获取收益的强大动机。

    In particular , the local government can get the " chain gains " through land transfer is extremely attractive , which also contributed to the local government revenue land for the power motive .

  5. 从杭州市的财政收支情况来看,土地出让金是其地方财政的重要组成部分,因此政府有强烈的动机使土地出让收益最大化。

    As for the revenue and expenditure of Hangzhou , we can see the land premium is an important part of their local finances , so the government has a strong incentive to make the land transferring revenue maximization .

  6. 在这双重因素的作用下,地方政府热衷于通过土地征收的方式将大量的农村集体土地变为国有土地以满足土地需求,并以土地出让收益弥补地方财政的不足。

    Under the effect of these factors , local government keen on expropriating rural land to be state-owned land , and meeting the demand of construction . The proceeds of land sold are used to make up the insufficient of local finance .