
  • 网络evaluation of right of use land
  1. 按照浙江省的地方规定,土地使用权经过评估后,可以作为新企业的注册资本。

    In Zhejiang Province , local regulations now permit land usage rights to be assessed as registered capital for new companies .

  2. 土地使用权的评估作价,依照法律、行政法规的规定办理。

    The valuation of land use rights is to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of laws and administration regulations .

  3. 是无形资产还是有形资产&土地使用权价值评估中的困惑及其解析

    Intangible Assets or Tangible Assets ? - To solve the difficult problems in Valuation for the Right to the Use of the Land

  4. 其用于收益性土地使用权价值评估成立的基本条件是:能够持续地均衡地获取稳定的投资收益率。

    The basic condition of value evaluation of right to use profitable land is that the stable earning rate of investment can be acquired continuously and in balance .

  5. 以武汉工业国有投资有限公司办理土地出让核定契税国有出让土地使用权价格评估为例,对系统进行了测试和应用。

    The system was tested and applied in the program of the industry land lot price evaluation of Wuhan industry stated Investment Company .