
  1. 我国国有建设用地使用权收回制度的完善

    The Improvement of the Legal System on Retracting the Right to the Use of State-owned Construction Land

  2. 在我国,建设用地依据所有者主体不同有国有建设用地和集体建设用地之分。

    Construction land in our county can be divided into national and collective construction land based on different subjects .

  3. 与国有建设用地相比,权利人对集体建设用地只享有占有权和使用权,处分权和收益权严重缺失。

    In contrast to the state-owned construction land , the people of right only enjoy possession and use rights but seriously lack rights of disposition and earning .

  4. 我国农村集体建设用地总量已经超过2.7亿亩,相当于城镇国有建设用地的5倍。

    The total amount of collective constructive land of our country has surpassed 270 million acres . The amount is five times bigger than the amount of city 's land .

  5. 国有建设用地使用权的转让、出租及抵押合同,不得违背国家法律、法规规定和本合同约定。

    The contracts on transfer , lease and mortgage of the state-owned construction land use right shall not go against the laws and regulations of the country and the articles of this contract .

  6. 集体建设用地是相对于国有建设用地而言的一种土地存在形式,是指分布于我国广大农村地区,由农民集体享有所有权的用于非农生产的土地。

    Rural collective construction land is the land form comparing to the State-owned land for construction purposes , which scattering in the broad Chinese rural districts , owned by the peasants and could not be used in agriculture .

  7. 在我国,土地租赁客体范围主要包括国有存量建设用地使用权和集体建设用地使用权。

    The object 's range of land lease should be mainly state-run stock construction land to use and collective construction land to use in China .