
The Property Rights Problems in the Joint-stock Reform of the State-owned Enterprises
The Study of State-owned Enterprise Share System Transformation and Development
Fresh progress was made in transforming state-owned enterprises into stock companies .
Thought on Several Problems about the State-owned Enterprise Reform
Four problems in the state-owned enterprise stock system reform
An Insight into Shareholding System Transformation of State-owned Enterprises from the Change of Productive Relationship
Policies of State-owned Enterprises share-holding Transformation
Ownership Structure and Balance Mechanism of Liaoning 's Large State-owned Enterprises in the Stock System Reform
The Relation between the Joint Stock System of State-Owned Enterprises and the Continued Development of Stock Market
At present , there are many factors affecting the quality of financial audit and assets valuation in the process of SOEs reform .
Therefore , to construct a multi-ownership system in SOEs with employees holding shares is very significant to shareholding reform of SOEs in China .
Yet , ESOP in China started somewhat late , as its trying out was accompanied by a pilot joint-stock reform of state-owned enterprises .
The normal running of the securities market means much to the success of China 's economic reform and joint-stock system transformation of stated enterprises .
Even we are already at the end of state-owned enterprise shareholding reform , the high agent cost , low benefit and many other problems still exist .
While the banks are set to miss the mega-fees involved in state-owned privatisations , assisting the financing needs of private companies is expected to be lucrative .
Great achievements have been achieved in the reform of share-holding system in state-owned enterprises , but there are still some problems existing in the process of reform .
We accelerated the reform to institute a stockholding system in SOEs , and a number of large companies and conglomerates with the ability to compete internationally were formed .
This paper makes an in-depth analysis on these problems from technical and managerial point-of-view , and predicts the direction to improve the quality of financial audit and assets valuation .
The main problem a state - owned stock enterprise faces after its jiont - stock - system - reform lies in the tremendous shortcomings in structure administration the company has .
After the state-owned enterprise 's share-holding system is reformed , the structure of property right is still unitary ; State-owned asset mobility difference can not realize the reasonable disposition of social resource .
Studies have shown that the shareholding system reform in state-owned enterprises lies in sorting out property rights relations and the establishment of an effective structure , establish a sound corporate governance structure .
Researching the structure of property rights of the modern enterprise and its performance has not only theoretical meaning , but also the positive guiding role for the state-owned enterprises ' share-holding system reform .
Securities business has a close and coherent relationship with stock system , so to study how to take use of securities business functions and make a good settlement for problems in stock reconstruction of state-owned enterprises has significantly realistic meaning .
Now , we 've reached a crucial moment of China 's economic reforms , and it is of urgent need to strengthen the domination of the state-owned economy in the national economy and to raise the efficiency of the state-owned capital operation .
If we can 't protect the latter 's rights , it must be unjust and influence the investment passion and confidence of minority shareholders . Finally , it will block the healthy development of the corporation system and affect the course of our state enterprises ' reform .
G company is the electronics manufacturing enterprise , which was transferred into joint-stock from the state-owned enterprise in the year 2000 .
Methods Random sampling was used to choose 100 subjects from the employees in the bankrupt enterprise , the state-owned enterprise , and the stock-company type enterprise of Jiaxing city . The symptom checklist-90 ( SCL-90 ) and the life events scale ( LES ) were applied in questionnaire surveys .
State Enterprise Imitate Stock System - State Assets Management Explore
Probe of the Reform from State-owned Forestry Enterprise to a Limited Company
Attention to the Problems Caused by Improving the Stock of State Enterprises