
  • 网络land auction;land sale
  1. 这些因素促进了土地拍卖市场的形成。

    These factors caused the land auction market to come into being .

  2. 国有土地拍卖中串谋对策研究

    Collusion in Land Auction : Reasons and Countermeasures

  3. 智库“centreforum”的首席经济学家提姆罗尼格(timleunig)提出一项由两部分内容组成的土地拍卖制度,来规避这个问题。

    Tim Leunig , chief economist at centreforum , a think-tank , has proposed a two-part system of land auctions to get around this problem .

  4. 土地拍卖是政府的主要收入来源。

    Land sales are a prime source of government revenue .

  5. 嘉诚甚至还带我去一些土地拍卖会教我。

    K.S. even took me to a few land auctions to teach me .

  6. 有关部门已要求强制实行土地拍卖,以限制可能出现的开发商和腐败官员之间相互勾结的情况。

    Land auctions were mandated to limit opportunities for collusion between developers and corrupt municipal officials .

  7. 因此,它们乐于确保开发商拥有资金在土地拍卖会上大肆抬高报价。

    So they are happy to ensure developers have the capital to bid extravagantly at land auctions .

  8. 正因如此,我们倾向于规划改革,正在认真研究土地拍卖等创新想法。

    That is why we are bent on planning reform , examining innovative ideas such as land auctions .

  9. 在土地拍卖中,该地产发展商成功投得的机会较主要对手高。

    The odds are in the favor of the estate developer than its arch rival in the land auction .

  10. 在一些地方,地方政府的土地拍卖因出价未达拍卖底价而流拍。

    In some cases , local government land auctions have failed as bids fell short of the minimum level required .

  11. 在土地拍卖阶段,村集体对整理出来的土地通过政府进行招拍挂,向市场融资。

    In the land auction stage , the village collective of sorting outland through government bidding , to market financing .

  12. 而作为70个大中城市之一的青岛市从1999年就开始了少量的土地拍卖。

    However , Qingdao city is one of 70 large and medium cities which started to sale by auction since 1999 .

  13. 张欣和任志强都承认,土地拍卖透明化是一个受欢迎的措施,但他们同时认为,这一举措可能导致价格上涨。

    While Ms Zhang and Mr Ren agree that transparent land auctions represent a welcome development , they have also had inflationary consequences .

  14. 据《中国日报》报导,周一,北京的两块土地拍卖打破了地价纪录&不是一次,而是两次。

    On Monday , two land sales in Beijing shattered price records-not once , but twice , according to a report in China Daily .

  15. 上周,由于竞价突破未披露的上限,北京取消了一宗用于住宅开发的土地拍卖。

    Last week an auction of land in Beijing , zoned for residential development , was cancelled after bidding crashed through an undisclosed ceiling .

  16. 他们开始涉足合法生意,例如房地产。在土地拍卖会上,他们会威胁其他竞标者不要出价。

    They started entering legitimate businesses like real estate , threatening other bidders at land auctions not to raise their prices , he says .

  17. 与此同时,为了提振土地拍卖市场,地方政府已开始下调土地价格,并将大幅地块分解成小幅地块出售。

    In the meantime , to try to revive land auctions , local governments have started to cut prices and break plots into smaller pieces .

  18. 在8月份进行的上一次政府土地拍卖中,一块住宅地皮的成交价比预期低33%,而且只吸引到一个投标。

    In the previous government land auction , in August , a residential site sold for 33 per cent less than expected and attracted just one bid .

  19. 政府进行了四次土地拍卖及一次招标,顺利售出九幅住宅用地予私人发展商。

    The Government held four land auctions and invited one tender . Nine residential sites were sold successfully to the private sector in a fair and open manner .

  20. 去年12月和今年1月份北京的两次土地拍卖被迫流拍,原因是拍卖未能吸引到规定所要求的至少3位竞拍者。

    Two land auctions in Beijing , one in December and one in January , had to be aborted because they failed to attract the minimum three bidders .

  21. 这些调控措施包括:提高交易税、抵押贷款条件更加严格、强制性的土地拍卖和限制建造豪华公寓和别墅等。

    These have included higher transaction taxes , more stringent limits on mortgage lending , mandatory land auctions and restrictions on the construction of luxury flats and villas .

  22. 香港政府今年宣布,将重启定期土地拍卖,并提供足够的土地,用于在未来10年每年建造2万户私人住宅。

    It announced this year it would resume regular land sales and provide land sufficient for the annual construction of 20,000 private housing units for the next 10 years .

  23. 这些数据及分析也将有助于政府制定房地产政策,包括制定较合理的土地拍卖价格等。

    The statistics gathered and the analysis made will also be of value to the government authorities in making property-related policies including rational pricing of the property to be developed .

  24. 然后,运用博弈论的一些理论及模型,对开发商之间的价格博弈进行了研究,包括土地拍卖模式的研究以及房地产价格战的研究(第5章)。

    Then , investigate price game between developers with models and theories of game theory including research on ground public sale and real estate price war ( the fifth chapter ) .

  25. 分析人士说,低于预期的土地拍卖成交价部分是因为政府的措施奏效了,还因为即将进行更有吸引力的地块的拍卖。

    Analysts said the lower-than-expected winning bid in the land auction was partly due to the effectiveness of the government 's measures , but also due to forthcoming sales of more-attractive sites .

  26. 但在经济不景气的时候,很多社区不得不为保留这些花园而抗争,因为市政府想把土地拍卖给能给城市纳税的土地开发商。

    Still , in leaner times , many communities have had to fight to keep control of their gardens when the city wanted to auction the plots to tax-paying real estate developers .

  27. 如果把那块土地拍卖,可能会为库房带来数百亿元收入。买入土地的发展商很可能会兴建豪宅。地主上流社会人士是指拥有土地,并以其收入为生的人。

    If put up for sale , it could fetch tens of billions of dollars for government coffers and the developers would most likely build luxury flats . The landed gentry are those who own land from which they obtain their income .

  28. 香港政府垄断着该地区用于房地产开发的新地供应,其传统的供应策略是在房价较低时暂停土地拍卖,然后在房价被认为过高时拍卖大量土地。

    The government has a monopoly over the availability of new land for property development in the region and its traditional , supply-side approach is to halt land sales when prices are low and then sell a lot of land when prices are considered too high .

  29. 而且,对于“荒地”,正如塔洼山坡上的土地,拍卖很常见。

    Moreover , for " wasteland ", like swathes of Tawa 's mountain slopes , auctions are common .

  30. 今天随着住宅市场开始进入市场化,土地公开拍卖,过去的巧取豪夺很难继续获得优势。

    Today , the market has begun to enter the market with residential land auction in the past it was difficult to continue to receive the business advantages .