
  • 网络Certificate of Value
  1. 公正有三种存在形式:作为元伦理的公正价值证明;作为规范伦理的公正原则;作为美德伦理的公正美德。

    Justice exists as three forms which are the justice value proof as metaethics , the justice principle as normative ethics , and the justice virtue as virtue ethics .

  2. 也就是说,历史必须在场,文化必须在地,现实必须在身,艺术才能成为文化身份的价值证明和精神对于个体自由的召唤。

    That is to say , art can become the value evidence of culture and the calling for individual freedom of spirit as long as the history is onsite , the culture is onsite and reality is onsite .

  3. 公正的证明属于价值证明,罗尔斯的契约证明不是价值证明,但是,契约证明是价值证明的一个重要途径,除了契约证明外,价值证明很难找到一个更具有现实操作性的证明方法。

    The proof of justice is a kind of value proof , and Rawls ' contract proof is not the value proof , but which is an important way of justice proof . Except contract proof , it is difficult for the value to find more practical method to prove .

  4. 他总结道:总的说来,SOA成功的唯一标准就是它可以通过提供业务价值来证明自己。

    He concludes saying that at the end of the day an SOA is only successful if it can justify itself by providing business value .

  5. 但广告商们仍将智能手机看成是一种价值有待证明的新鲜发明。

    Yet advertisers still treat it as a newfangled invention yet to prove its worth .

  6. 她们竞争是为了证明自己的价值,证明自己每一次做的选择都是最好的。

    They compete to prove their worth . They compete in an effort to prove that they are making the best choices every single day .

  7. 然后从法官独立与法官人格独立、司法公正、司法效率最大化三者的关系方面剖析了法官独立的价值,证明了法官独立的重要性。

    Then this part presents the value of judge independence from the aspect of relationship between the judge independence and judge personality independence , judicial fairness and the maximum of the judicial efficiency and proves the importance of judge independence .

  8. 个人信用法律制度的价值在于证明、解释和查验个人的资信情况,并通过制度来规范个人信用活动和当事人的信用行为,提高守约意识,从而建立良好的市场经济运行秩序。

    The value of personal credit legal system is to prove , explain and examine personal credit , and through the system it can regulate personal credit activities and behavior of the parties and raise the awareness of compliance in order to establish a good market economy order .

  9. 我们在毕业典礼时坐在了一起,因为我们关系亲密,因为我们共同分享了那永远都不能重来的时光。当然,也因为假想要是我们中任何人竞选首相,那照片将是极有价值的证明。

    At our graduation we were bound by enormous affection , by our shared experience of a time that could never come again , and , of course , by the knowledge that we held certain photographic evidence that would be exceptionally valuable if any of us ran for Prime Minister .

  10. 研究结果具有工程应用价值,并证明了Monte-Carlo方法是分析集束箭弹命中概率的有效方法。

    The simulation results can be used in engineering , and the Monte-Carlo method is proved to be an effective tool for multi-arrow canisters hit probability analysis .

  11. 它指示所选定的价值不在于证明,它是不同的,后来我们把它绑定到公司。

    It instructs that selected value is not that shown , it 's different and later we bind it to Company .

  12. 最大的问题是,绿地的宜人价值,能否证明放弃住宅用地超高价格所体现的价值是合理的?

    The big question is whether the amenity value justifies forgoing the value revealed in the extraordinary prices of residential land .

  13. 精益思想所倡导的精益原则和价值取向已证明非常适用于改善生产力和质量的任何努力。

    The Lean principles and the mindset of Lean thinking have proved remarkably applicable to improving the productivity and quality of just about any endeavor .

  14. 但法官对这一证据种类并未给予足够的重视,致使证人证言在民事诉讼中无法发挥其应有的证明价值或者说证明作用。

    However the ignorance of its importance by our present judges renders it unable to fulfill its value and function of proof which it deserves .

  15. 系统目前运行稳定,充分体现了它的应用价值,从而证明了本文所论述的设计方法是可行的。

    The system circulates currently stability ,, full body now its application value , proved the design method discussed by this text thus to is viable .

  16. 第一部分从程序违法责问失权的内涵及构成要件着手,从实践中总结责问权丧失所产生的后果,分析该制度的理论价值,以此证明失权例外存在的合理性。

    The first part analyzes theoretical value of the system from intension , constitutive requirements and consequences of divesting accusatorial right , to prove escape clause rationality .

  17. 通过对数十万人进行的研究-调查,这三样东西的价值已经得以证明,调查的问题是他们的经济现状,他们的生活情况,以及他们的幸福程度。

    These three things have been prove by research-surveys of hundreds of thousands of people about what they have , what their lives are like , and how happy they are .

  18. 在金融危机当中,风险价值方法被证明效果不佳。风险价值衡量一种资产组合在大多数情况下(通常涵盖95%的交易日)的潜在损失。

    During the financial crisis , VAR , which measures potential losses on a portfolio for most situations – typically covering 95 per cent of trading days – proved to be a poor measure .

  19. 北京的一位出口商表示,仅靠检查呈递海关的文件,不会暴露出夸大的收据:检查人员需要检查货物本身的实际价值,来证明欺诈。

    One exporter in Beijing said that simply checking documents given to the customs would not expose exaggerated invoices : inspectors would need to examine the actual value of the cargo itself to prove fraud .

  20. 在其变迁的过程中,交付由古代一种向神允诺的形式价值向当代证明合同成立的证据价值转变。

    In the process of change , the delivery from the ancient promise to God in the form of a kind of value to the establishment of contemporary evidence to prove the value of the contract change .

  21. 在此基础上,通过构建一个包含投资与消费双重价值的模型证明了该理论假设,然后就所发展的内因理论提出了相关的理论与现实证据,并运用因子分析法进行了实证。

    On this basis , this theoretical hypothesis is proved to be right through the construction of a model combining dual values of education , and some related theoretical and practical evidences are put forward to support this .

  22. 考虑价格参照效应的班轮运力分配及合同定价策略研究它是一门很难学的课程,而且考试又很严格,因此其结业成绩是很有(参考)价值的资格证明。

    Study on Capacity Allocation and Contract Pricing Strategy for Container Liner Shipping under Price Reference Effect It 's a tough course with a fairly tough exam , so that the end product is a really worthwhile qualification .

  23. 证明责任制度的价值主要在于证明责任的分配,不清楚证明责任概念及相关的问题,就难以实现合理的分配。

    The main value of the burden of proof institution is to distribute the proof burden . If the concept of burden of proof and related questions are not clear , it is difficult to achieve a reasonable distribution .

  24. 中外思想家对主体间伦理进行了多种价值合理性的证明,为主体间的伦理文化提供了丰富的思想资源,但都没有为这种伦理文化找到真实的基础。

    Thinkers both at home and abroad have tried to prove inter-subject ethics from various value rationalities and provided rich thinking resources for inter-subject ethical culture , but they have not found the true basis for this ethical culture .

  25. 在渔业发展上面,翘嘴鳊作为新型杂交鱼具备广泛推广和应用的价值,这证明了远缘杂交确实是整合现有自然鱼种、快速培育性状更为优良、品种更加丰富新型杂交鱼的有效工具。

    In fisheries development , BTB as a new hybrid with extensive promotion and application value , proved that built distant hybridization and heterologous strains is indeed an effective tool to integrate existing natural species , fast cultivate more excellent traits , richer variety of new hybridization of fish .

  26. 这些学制较短的MBA项目的价值逐渐得到了证明。

    These shorter programmes are increasingly proving their worth .

  27. 在基类库团队中,我们认为,如果某个API是从负1000点开始的,那么即使能提供一些价值也不足以证明可被添加。

    In the BCL team we believe that an API start at minus a thousand points and thus providing some value is not good enough to justify being added .

  28. 在展望价值框架下,证明了投机者的共同知识分布假设会使得投机者不能形成交易。

    Under the prospect value framework we prove that speculators cannot form any trade if they share the common knowledge .

  29. 本文利用我国上市公司的财务报表数据对该模型作实证检验,并通过与市场价值的比较来证明剩余收益模型的有效性。

    In addition , the validity of this model is also proven by comparing with the market value of the corporation .

  30. 我们将试图,坚持这些价值观,从而证明事实上政府可以建立,在这些价值观之上。

    And we Americans are going try to live up to them to prove that governments can in fact , be based on these values .