
  • 网络value network;value net
  1. 对价值网络的概念及其组构的关键原则进行了探讨,研究了基于输出的输入成本约束下的多准则DEA分析方法。

    The conception of value network is discussed , and then the key principles of building ones are given .

  2. 从商业生态系统的角度出发,全面分析ASP生态系统、主要参与者、价值网络、缝隙市场以及ASP提供商的宏观战略选择。

    From the perspective of business ecosystem , this paper analyses the comprehensive ASP ecosystem , major participators , value network , niche market and macro strategy choice of ASPs .

  3. 那么,SOA治理委员会在价值网络模型中的目标是赢得个体和工作单元的集合效应(如果不是这样,那应让其这样)。

    That is , delegation of SOA Governance in the Value Networks model is aiming the success of collective efforts of separate units of work ( if it does not , it should ) .

  4. 在生态系统中,一项业务既可以是服务提供者,也可以是服务使用者,SOA已经使企业参与生态系统成为可能,可以实现一个面向SOA的价值网络。

    SOA has made it possible for enterprises to take part in an ecosystem in which a business can be both a service provider as well as a service consumer , thus enabling a SOA-oriented value network .

  5. 基于价值网络的创业网络组织模式分析

    An Analysis on Entrepreneurship Network Organization Mode Based on Value Network

  6. 模块化、企业价值网络与企业边界变动

    Modularization , Enterprise Value Network and Changes of Firms ' Boundaries

  7. 基于价值网络的开放式创新&京东方的案例研究

    Open Innovation Based on Value Net & A Case Study of BOE

  8. 基于价值网络的企业产出优势:特点与构成

    Output advantages based on value network for enterprises : characteristics and formation

  9. 价值网络竞争优势源于其内生的知识管理优势。

    The competitive advantage of value-net stems from its superior knowledge management .

  10. 基于价值网络节点的顾客价值创新研究

    Research on the Customer Value Innovation Based on the Value Net Node

  11. 基于价值网络的科技期刊价值创造机制

    Value-creation mechanism of sci-tech periodicals based on value network

  12. 价值网络下企业开放式技术创新过程模式及运营条件研究

    Research on Process Model and Operation Condition of Open Technological Innovation in Enterprise

  13. 价值网络视角下破坏性技术创新的机理和模式研究

    Research about the Mechanism and Strategy of Disruptive Innovation Based on Value Network

  14. 供应链价值网络合作博弈核心解的非空性

    Non-empty Property of the Core in Cooperative Games of the Supply Chain Value Network

  15. 基于智力资本的企业价值网络

    The Enterprise Value Network Deriving from Intellectual Capital

  16. 基于价值网络的利润优化

    The Profit Optimization Based on Value Net

  17. 企业价值网络竞争优势研究

    The Competitive Advantage of Enterprise Value-net

  18. 知识转移已经成为电信价值网络形成的内在动因。

    In other words , knowledgetransfer has become the internal factors within the telecommunications value network .

  19. 基于价值网络的战略联盟研究

    Strategic alliance based on value network

  20. 于是,一种新的企业组织形式&企业价值网络应运而生。

    Then a new kind of enterprise organization & enterprise value-net arises at the historic moment .

  21. 基于价值网络视角的企业集群最适规模及控制

    The optimum scale of enterprise cluster and its control : Based on the perspective of value network

  22. 通过这一维度,将价值网络下企业知识整合模式划分为控制型整合模式与分散型整合模式。

    With the dimension , knowledge integration model is divided into controlled integration mode and decentralized integration model .

  23. 对创新集群的结构进行了深入分析,将其结构抽象为知识网络、产业网络、价值网络和服务网络四大网络。

    By further dividing its structure into knowledge networks , industrial networks , value networks and service networks .

  24. 价值网络的内部调节机制必须与环境的复杂变化相互匹配,这使得价值网络具有了很强的自我重组能力。

    The interior regulation mechanism should be according to the environment changes , and that is the Self-organize character .

  25. 摘要企业价值网络是核心能力和异质资源的强化平台、调整平台和保护平台。

    The enterprise value-net is a platform to improve , adjust and protect its core competencies and distinctive resources .

  26. 论文在第三部分详细分析了价值网络条件下影响企业知识整合的因素,即知识本身的属性,企业家以及企业文化的影响。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the factors that have an important impact on knowledge integration under the condition of value network .

  27. 网络形成的动态性。最后,研究了创新网络与国家创新体系、虚拟企业、价值网络的关系。

    Lastly , the relationships between innovation coalitions and national innovation system , virtual firms , value networks are analyzed .

  28. 是商业行为通过网络来完成的形式,是电子资料交换及价值网络的延伸,旅游电子商务是一个以信息技术服务为支撑的全球旅游商务活动的动态发展过程。

    Tour of electronic business affairs is progress of communication technology as service support for global tour of electronic business affairs .

  29. 价值网络的成员具有各自独立的知识体系,虽然具有互补性,但又很难融合。

    The networks members have the independent knowledge system . Although their knowledge are complementary , but is hard to inosculate .

  30. 然而,价值网络为业务所有者和相关管理制定了不同的所有者内容与职责。

    However , Value Networks model sets different content for the ownership and accountability for the business owners and related management .