
  • 网络a store of value
  1. 安全的价值储藏已不复存在。

    There is no safe store of value .

  2. 它起到了交换媒介和价值储藏手段的作用。

    It serves as a medium of exchange and as the store of value .

  3. 货币是一种交换机制同时也是一种价值储藏手段,它带动着现代经济的运转。

    Money , a mechanism of exchange and a store of value , galvanised modern economies .

  4. 与国内范畴的货币职能相同,国际化货币在国际范围内执行计价单位、交易媒介以及价值储藏三大职能。

    Similar to the domestic functions of currency , international currency serves as unit of value , exchange media and value reserve at the global level .

  5. 传统的定义是向受到挤兑威胁的健康银行提供货币&最终的价值储藏和支付手段。

    The classic definition is to provide money – the ultimate store of value and means of payment – to sound banks threatened by a run .

  6. 对中国来说,与其实施一次性的竞争性贬值以支持出口,不如缓慢升值以增加人民币作为价值储藏手段的吸引力。

    A one-time competitive devaluation to support exports is less attractive to the Chinese than the gradual appreciation that makes its currency attractive as a store of value .

  7. 从历史上看,黄金的确是一种价值储藏手段直到它变成又一种金融资产,随着投机气氛与热钱流动的变化而变化。

    Historically gold was indeed a store of value until it became just another financial market asset , subject to the swings of speculative sentiment and hot money flows .

  8. 而在对概念法学进行辩护时,我们发现,法律概念所拥有的价值储藏及意义演进功能,竟然成为法治框架内合法性与妥当性冲突的根源。

    When we are trying to defend the concept law theory , we have found that the different understandings of legal concepts have been the sources of the conflict be-tween legality and justice .

  9. 过去十年间,人们逐步认识到,外汇是一种价值储藏手段和独特的资产类别,而不仅仅是一种汇率单位。

    The argument for treating currencies as a store of value and a distinct asset class , rather than simply a unit of exchange , grew slowly but steadily over the past decade .

  10. 然而根据微观经济学的需求理论,持有不同货币的动机在于不同货币的交易职能和价值储藏手段具有著异性。

    However according to the microeconomics the demand theory , has the different currency motive to lie in the different currency the transaction function and the store of value method has the difference .

  11. 乍看上去,黄金和日元之间似乎没有多少共同点&前者自古以来就是价值储藏手段,后者则是一个经济增长乏力、政府债务庞大国家的货币。

    At first there seems little in common between the yellow metal , which has been a store of value through the ages , and the currency of a country with feeble economic growth and Godzilla-sized government debt .

  12. 专家们表示,这是自上世纪60年代开采澳大利亚昆士兰博文盆地(bowenbasin)以来,世界上发现的最具价值的煤炭储藏。

    Specialists say they are the most valuable to be discovered anywhere in the world since production began at the Bowen basin in Queensland , Australia , in the 1960s .

  13. 经济学家认为,货币有4种功能:交易媒介、延期支付标准、价值尺度、以及价值储藏手段。

    Economists maintain there are four functions of money : a medium of exchange , a standard of deferred payment , a unit of account and a store of value .

  14. 货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,表现为货币自由兑换前提下外币在价值尺度、支付手段、交易媒介和价值储藏等方面全面或部分地取代了本币。

    Typical of monetary fluctuation of an open economy is the Currency Substitution .

  15. 我们接受货币作为支付手段,作为价值尺度,以及在当前背景下最重要的是,作为价值储藏手段。

    We accept money as a means of payment , as a unit of account and , most importantly in this context , as a store of value .