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  1. 马克思价值理论的核心内容并不是相对价格,而是总量价值。

    The core of Marx ′ s value theory is the total amount of value , not the relative price .

  2. 对水行业改造模式提出了两个方案:财政补贴价格放开方案,总量控制分配水权市场交易方案。

    Two proposals , fiscal subsidy plus free-pricing and , cap-and-trade system , are advanced based on the re-modeling of water industry .

  3. 麦克法兰表示,1997年至1998年的亚洲金融危机证明,对澳大利亚大宗商品需求的大幅下降影响了价格,但需求总量得以维持。

    Mr Macfarlane said the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 had demonstrated that a sharp fall in demand for Australian commodities affected prices but volumes had been maintained .

  4. 在该书中,凯恩斯采用宏观分析方法对诸如收入、消费、投资、货币与价格水平等经济总量及其相互关系进行了研究,使经济学从微观分析转向宏观分析。

    In this book , Keynes used the macro-analysis method to research total economy and mutual relation among income , consumption , investment and currency , making the economic study switched from micro-analysis to macro-analysis .

  5. 需求曲线和不同阶段的能源总供给曲线决定了不同的能源价格,能源消费总量的过快增长导致能源价格的升高,从而影响城市化的发育和发展。

    Energy total demand curve and supply curve of different stages determine the change in energy prices . The excessive growth of total energy demand results in energy price rise , thus affect the development of urbanization and development .

  6. 对于经济过热、投资和信贷扩张、通货膨胀、资产价格波动、货币总量扩张和国际短期资本流动等问题的不同判断,成为最终左右加息与否的重要因素。

    Different judgments in economic overheating , investment-and-credit expansion , inflation , the fluctuation of assets prices , the growth of total amount of money and the flow of international short-term capital , have become important factors that ultimately control whether to increase interest rate or not .

  7. 地票价格受到政府设立交易基准价格、控制交易总量、打包零散指标、决定交易时间和方式、设定具体用途等方式调节,同时也受到市场供需规律支配。

    Ticket price not only regulated by government through setting benchmark price , appointing specific purpose , controlling trading volume , packaging retail quotas , deciding trade time and ways , but also at the mercy of market law of supply and demand .