
  • 网络price manipulation;price fixing;Price rigging
  1. 中国股票市场价格操纵研究

    Studies on Price Manipulation in China 's Stock Market

  2. 我国股票市场价格操纵交易特征实证研究

    Empirical Analysis of Trading Character of Stock Price Manipulation of China Securities Market

  3. 此前韩国已经宣布相关计划,近乎将16种主要食品的供应量翻倍,并扩大了韩国公平交易委员会(fairtradecommission)的职权范围以打击价格操纵。

    The measures complement earlier plans almost to double the supply of 16 food staples and expand the remit of the Fair Trade Commission to combat price fixing .

  4. 在最近备受关注的英国航空(BritishAirways)价格操纵案中,就发生了这样的事情:公司两名高管被停职,等待调查结果。

    This is what happened in the recent high-profile allegation of price-fixing against British Airways , in which two senior executives were suspended pending the results of an investigation .

  5. 本文研究中国股票市场的交易型价格操纵问题。我们推广了Mei、Wu和Zhou(2005)的模型,研究在市场不允许卖空的条件下,交易型价格操纵发生的条件。

    This paper generalizes the Mei , Wu and Zhou ( 2005 ) model to investigate the trading-based stock market manipulation in China where short sale is not allowed .

  6. 中国的外商直接投资(FDI)出现金融危机最严重时期以来的最大幅度下降。近期北京方面将越来越多在华经营的跨国企业列为调查对象,指控它们存在价格操纵和垄断行为。

    Foreign direct investment to China has fallen at the sharpest rate since the height of the financial crisis , as Beijing targets a widening array of global companies in the country for alleged price-fixing and monopolistic behaviour .

  7. 他的受害者包括英国政府和英国石油,前者被迫撤回对罗孚汽车(rover)的支持,后者则成为因化学品市场价格操纵问题而被罚款的众多公司之一。

    His victims included the British government , which was forced to scale back its support for the Rover car group , and BP , which was among a group of companies fined for price - fixing in the chemicals market .

  8. 然而,有关价格操纵的猜测已在市场中蔓延。

    However , growing speculation about manipulation has circulated in the market .

  9. 可能是他价格操纵计划里其他的投资者。

    Maybe some other investors in his little pricing scheme .

  10. 我国期货市场价格操纵行为探讨

    Research on rigging Activities in the Chinese Futures Market

  11. 该委员会发现,仅2010年就出现了3500起价格操纵事件。

    In 2010 it found 3,500 cases of price-fixing .

  12. 中国股票市场交易型的价格操纵研究

    Trading-based Market Manipulation in China 's Stock Market

  13. 价格操纵是股票市场上的一种非法行为,其产生与股票市场非有效密切相关。

    As price manipulation is extremely harmful to stock market , it should be studied thoroughly .

  14. 与以往的调查一样,英国公平交易办公室进行的任何调查,都将发现证明价格操纵非常困难。

    As with past investigations , any oft study will find it difficult to prove price fixing .

  15. 股指期货价格操纵的手段、潜在操纵风险与判别分析

    Analysis of Price Manipulations in Stock Index Futures Market : Means , Potential Manipulation Risk and Discrimination

  16. 反垄断部门无疑将希望更深入地审查任何对价格操纵行为的指控。

    The antitrust authorities will certainly want to take a close look at any allegations of price-fixing behaviour .

  17. 抑制价格操纵的关键是强化信息披露规范。

    The key to the restriction of price operation is that the information disclosure norm should be strengthened .

  18. 关联交易的价格操纵侵害了国家、中小投资者的利益。

    The price operation of related transaction can damage state benefit and the benefit of medium and minor investors .

  19. 由于体制上的缺陷,自我国期货市场诞生起,价格操纵行为就一直存在,屡禁不止。

    Due to the insufficiencies of economical system , price rigging activities happened frequently in the Chinese futures market .

  20. 市场中的跟风者是市场价格操纵的前提,也是市场出现的过度反应、导致市场效率低的主要原因;

    Liquidity traders are the premise for market manipulating and the main reason for the stock market overreaction and low market efficiency .

  21. 2011年,沃尔玛在中国因涉嫌价格操纵被罚款,并被控给普通猪肉贴上有机标签。

    In 2011 the company was fined in China for allegedly manipulating prices and was accused of mislabelling ordinary pork as organic .

  22. 新法律在价格操纵及垄断行为等领域的实施,还可以帮助促进国内市场对外来竞争的开放。

    The enforcement of new laws in areas such as price-fixing and monopolistic behaviour could also help force open domestic markets to outside competition .

  23. 国际上,针对价格操纵的调查多数是由申请宽大处理的某家企业引发的,作为交换,该企业将提供对其他企业不利的证据。

    Internationally , most probes into price fixing are triggered by a company filing for leniency – in exchange for providing evidence against others .

  24. 当市场中投机者的总禀赋大于0时,即使不允许卖空,价格操纵者依然可以操纵价格来获得利润;

    When the initial endowments of speculators are positive , the market manipulator can make a profit even if the short-sale of stocks is prohibited ;

  25. 我们的主要结果有:(1)非充分理性投资者的存在和有限套利的制约是交易型价格操纵获利的重要原因,投机者套利能力越弱,操纵者的价格操纵越容易获利;

    The main results are : ( 1 ) The irrationality of investors and the limits of arbitrage make the trading-based manipulation possible and profitable ;

  26. 本文以中国证券市场历年所发生的内幕交易、价格操纵案例为样本,详细分析中国证券市场违法违规行为的主要特征。

    This paper analyses the characteristics of the illegal actions based on the samples of the insider trading and price manipulation in Chinese security market .

  27. 如果这些(指新闻中提到的价格操纵、洗钱、非法资产转移和逃)在美国也算犯罪的话,我们的金融、商务、工业和政府的一半首脑都该进监狱了。

    If these were crimes in the U.S. , half of the leaders of our financial and business industries and government would be in jail right now .

  28. 不过,如果你是一位投资银行家,在日常工作中就应该已经对价格操纵、品牌造势和市场恐慌了如指掌。

    Besides , if you are an investment banker , you already know all about price manipulation , brand hype and market panic from your day job .

  29. 而在临近收盘和收盘阶段,知情交易者和价格操纵者改变了原来的交易策略,导致收盘阶段的市场流动性降低,价格波动性减小。

    By and at the closing , the informed traders ' and manipulators ' changing the original trading strategies causes the decreases of market liquidity and price volatility .

  30. 价值被高估的上市公司操纵盈余吗?&来自沪深证券市场的经验证据我国股票市场价格操纵交易特征实证研究

    Does Overvalued Equity Lead to Income-increasing Earnings Management ? Empirical Evidence from China 's Listed Companies Empirical Analysis of Trading Character of Stock Price Manipulation of China Securities Market