
  • 网络Value Education
  1. 三,论价值教育实践。

    The third is on the practice of values education .

  2. 关于青少年价值教育的若干思考

    Thinking on Values Education for Youth and Children

  3. 略论和谐视角下的高校生命价值教育

    On the Education of Life Value in Colleges in Perspective of Harmony

  4. 我们要顺应潮流,以冷静、理性、自信的目光来审视这些变化,构建新的价值教育体系。

    We should adapt to the trend with calm , rational and confident view so as to build up a new education system of values .

  5. 通过个案研究,笔者发现在数学课堂人文价值教育隐性课程开发中,作为课程开发和实施主体的教师发挥着最要的作用。

    By individual case studying , the author finds that teacher as the curriculum developing and practicing mainstay plays significant role during human values education hidden curriculum developing .

  6. 为使价值教育成为学校工作的核心,澳大利亚政府出台了学校价值教育的国家框架并付诸实施。

    In order to make value education be the core of schools , Australian government enacts the national framework of school value education and puts it into practice .

  7. 从价值教育角度看,全球化问题的基本性质仍是科技工业文明下人的主体丧失与价值失落之问题。

    From the point of value education , the essence of such problems is still the lost of subjectivity and value of human being in the civilization of technology and industry .

  8. 新的社会实践使传统政治价值教育面临着前所未有的挑战,这就要求我们以创新的精神改进、优化政治价值教育模式。

    The traditional political value education is now faced up with unprecedent challenge in the current situation , which requires us to improve and optimize the political value education system with innovative spirit .

  9. 为此,首先要找回大学精神,重建大学价值教育。只有这样,大学教育才能真正回归本性,即教育的最终目的是育人。

    These advices are about four points : finding universal spirit and reconstructing universal value education , college education can return to nature , namely the final aim of education is to educate people .

  10. 就目前来讲,无论是世界还是中国,对生命价值教育这一问题的研究有限,学术论文非常少,为生命价值教育理论提供的可操作性的指导更是少而又少。

    For now , whether in the world or in China , the life value education research is limited . The operational guidance theory provided for the life value education is less and less .

  11. 全球化不仅改变着世界经济、政治、文化的格局,加速世界的融合与发展,而且对现代价值教育也产生了深远影响。

    Globalization not only changes the economical , political and cultural patterns of the world , but also accelerates the ferment and development of the world . It also deeply impacts the modern value education .

  12. 作为一个伟大的教育家,孟子提出并阐述了一整套自己的道德修养理论:突出对学习者的理想志向和价值教育;注重道德实践者的主体作用,强调自我教育;

    As a great educationist , Mencius puts forward and sets forth his own theory on morality training : stressing the education of idealism and lofty aspirations , laying stress on the positive role of the subject , emphasizing self-education and the power of fine example of moral instructor .

  13. 基础教育是立德树人的事业,要旗帜鲜明加强思想政治教育、品德教育,加强社会主义核心价值观教育,引导学生自尊自信自立自强。

    Basic education fosters virtues and socialist core values should be reinforced in order to help students become people with strong sense of self-esteem , self-confidence , self-reliance and self-improvement .

  14. 首先阐述了价值与教育价值这两个概念的内涵;

    First expounding the definitions of the value and education value ;

  15. 承认的尊严&价值观教育的合法性审视

    Dignity of Recognition : Examining the Legitimacy of Education of Value

  16. 对当前青年价值观教育中一些问题的辩证思考

    Dialectical thinking on some problems in present youth 's values education

  17. 价值观教育是一个永恒的课题,同时又是一个动态的课题。

    The education of values is a perpetual and dynamic topic .

  18. 加强冰雪运动员价值观教育的对策

    Countermeasure How to Enhance the Value Idea Education for Ice-Snow Athletes

  19. 地方革命传统与大学生核心价值观教育&以弘扬闽西革命传统为例

    Local Revolutionary Tradition and Education of Core Values for College Students

  20. 社会转型与当代大学生价值观教育

    Social Transformation and Education for the Contemporary College Students ' Value

  21. 试论文化多元化背景下大学生的价值观教育

    The Values of College students under the Education of Multicultural Background

  22. 专升本院校大学生职业价值观教育研究

    Research on Vocational Values Education of University Students Upgraded from College

  23. 市场经济条件下青少年价值观教育的规律遵循

    Following the Values Educational Rules of Young People under the Market Economy

  24. 教育功能是教育价值与教育目的的基础;

    Educational function is the base of educational value and educational aim .

  25. 转型期大学生价值观教育的探究

    Exploration of the Value Education of College Students in the Transitional Period

  26. 价值观教育是实现素质教育的关键

    The Education of View of Value : the Key to Qulity-oriented Education

  27. 如何更好的对大学生进行社会主义核心价值体系教育?

    How to better educate university students with the socialist core value ?

  28. 多元文化背景下的我国大学生价值观教育

    The College Students ' Value Education in Our Country in Muti-cultural Pattern

  29. 第三部分,大学生生态价值观教育的必要性。

    The third part , students need ecological values education .

  30. 井冈山无私奉献精神与大学生价值观教育

    Jinggangshan unselfish dedication spirit and education of view of value