
  • 网络value essence
  1. 即,实践诠释理论,人的事实本质与价值本质的区分,交往实践观。

    The distinction of the fact essence and the value essence , communicative practical viewpoint .

  2. 社会核心价值体系的价值本质就是主体尺度和客体尺度相统一的过程。

    The value essence of social core value system is a process of the combination of both subjective and objective scale .

  3. 在1757年的一篇文章中,哲学家大卫•休谟表示,由于"品味的一般原则在人性中是一致的",一些艺术作品的价值本质上可能是永恒的。

    In a 1757 essay , the philosopher David Hume argued that because " the general principles of taste are uniform in human nature , " the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent .

  4. 人的价值本质上是一个社会历史关系范畴,正确认识人的价值其社会意义在于如何认识个人与社会之间的关系。

    Human value is a category of social and historical relationship .

  5. 人性化技术创新的价值本质及其实现路径

    Nature of Value in Human-technological Innovation and Paths of Its Realization

  6. 第三章论述人格的道德价值本质。

    The third chapter discusses the essence of moral value of the person .

  7. 中小企业法的价值本质:中小企业法的制度本质。

    The value and system essence of SME law .

  8. 传宗接代才是值得尊重、认可和鼓励的价值本质

    and that 's what 's worthy of honoring and recognizing and encouraging .

  9. 关于马克思主义哲学价值本质论的思考

    On the Nature of the Value of Marxist Philosophy

  10. 对价值本质的一种现象学思考

    A Phenomenological Thinking of Essence of Value

  11. 足球运动文化的价值本质是足球运动文化价值的主体性及客观性的体现。

    Football sports cultural value nature is a football sports culture value embodiment of subjectivity and objectivity .

  12. 价值本质决定价值概念,价值概念反映价值本质。

    The nature of value determines the value concept , and the value concept reflects the nature of value .

  13. 对道德价值本质的揭示要以“价值”根本规定性为逻辑起点。

    The revelation of the moral value 's essence should take the dissertation of the value 's essence as the logical start .

  14. 本文认为公允价值本质应该反映资产的现行市场价格,而不是其内在价值。

    In this paper , we think that the fair value of assets should reflect the current market price rather than its intrinsic value .

  15. 价值本质上是劳动资源的合理配置,是按比例分配劳动时间规律在商品经济中采取的特殊形式。

    Value remains a rational disposition of labor resources in essence and a special form of the proportional distributing labor-time law in the commodity economy .

  16. 人的价值本质与事实本质的辩证整合&马克思关于人的本质的思想及其解释过程新探

    The Dialectical Integration of Value-essence and Fact-essence of Human Being : A New Approach to Marx 's Thoughts on Human Being and the Process of His Exposition

  17. 在企业技术创新价值本质上,认为其具有效用理论上的效率效用满足价值性,其和劳动价值论上的复杂劳动倍加价值性相统一于企业生产的产品中。

    Propose the essence of the enterprise technological innovation is efficiency utility to Consumers . This essence and labor theory of value are united in the enterprise products .

  18. 人类社会系统构成要素之间的和合,既反映了人类社会发展的价值本质,也反映着和谐社会的价值本质。

    The harmony of different factors of a human society reflects both the value nature of development of a human society and the value nature of a harmonious society .

  19. 价值本质论、价值评价论等哲学价值论思想在《德意志意识形态》中都有所研究。

    This book studies value ontology , value evaluation and the value philosophy theory of German ideology , which is of great significance to contemporary Chinese value theory research .

  20. 然而,在共同的利益平衡原则下,竞争与创新价值本质上的一致性又决定竞争法与知识产权法两大法律部门必然是相互协调、相互配合、相互补充的关系。

    However , under the same interests principal , the essential consistency of competition and innovation value determines the relationship between Competition Law and Intellectual property Law is intercoordination , interaction and mutual complementation .

  21. 马克思有两种性质不同的人的本质概念:一是价值本质,关涉人的应该;一是事实本质,关涉人的是。

    Marx has two concepts of the essence of human being which are essentially different each other , one is value-essence concerning ought of human being , the other is fact-essence concerning being of human being .

  22. 简言之,从现实的人、现实的世界出发,价值本质的研究才更加真实,更能为解决人的生存境遇和发展命运提供有效的途径。

    In one word , if the research of nature of value starts from the reality person , realistic world , it will have great practical significance and provide more effective methods for solving human beings ' living condition and further development .

  23. 其中,价值本质一直是价值哲学领域的重点和难点之一,而在马克思主义哲学视角下进行价值本质研究是具有科学性的,价值本质研究具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。

    Among them , the nature of value is always one of the key and difficult points in the field of value philosophy . While research on the nature of value in Marxism perspective is a scientific study , which has great theoretical and practical significance .

  24. 认为:体育与健康课程的价值本质是其自身价值取向的展现,体育与健康课程的价值体系应与社会时代及教育共同演进,具有时代性。

    It considers that the essence of sport and health curriculum value is a display of itself value orientation , the value system of sport and health curriculum should gradually develop jointly with society , times and education , and ought to have the character of the times .

  25. 马克思是从商品交换出发来揭示价值的本质的。

    Marx revealed the essence of value by analyzing commodity exchange .

  26. 价值的本质及相关概念新解

    New Comprehension about the Essence and Correlative Conceptions of Values

  27. 公共价值的本质、创立及其实现

    The Essence , Foundation and Realization of Public Value

  28. 论价值的本质&兼论商品价值量的决定因素

    On the Essence of Value & Concurrently on the decision of commodity value amount

  29. 论新闻价值的本质

    On the Essence of News Value

  30. 公正是法律的生命、基本价值及本质要求。

    Justice is the life , the core value and the essence requests of the law .