
  • 网络value ideal
  1. 主体性道德人格教育作为道德教育的目标指向,表达的是一种价值理想。

    Being objective-oriented , education on subjective moral personality conveys a kind of value ideal .

  2. 现代性境遇中个人主义与社会价值理想张力的哲学反思

    Exaggeration and Lose : Modernity Interpretation of the Tension between Individualism and Social Value Ideal

  3. 人的发展:历史演进与价值理想

    Human 's Development : Historical Evolution and the Ideal of Values

  4. 社会主义价值理想与正义问题研究

    The Problematic Research on the Ideal about Value and Justice of Socialism

  5. 乌托邦精神与教育&关于教育价值理想的哲学思考

    Utopian spirit and education & The philosophical thought on the value of education

  6. 人类新的价值理想中的劳动与管理学

    Labor and Management in the Human New Values

  7. 正义是人类追求的价值理想,也是近年来学术界研究的热点问题。

    Justice is the value ideal , and also a hot issue in the academia .

  8. 一般而言,人类的实践活动首先是围绕人类自身的需要、为了实现一定的价值理想而展开的。

    Generally speaking , man 's practice centers on its own need and realizes certain value ideal .

  9. 本章着重从三个方面论述陈映真的人的价值理想观。

    This chapter deals with Chen 's viewpoint of ideals and values about human nature in three aspects .

  10. 和谐社会是人类共同的价值理想和价值追求。

    Harmonious Society is the common ideal as well as the pursuance of the value for human beings .

  11. 社会和谐自古以来就是人类所追求的一种社会价值理想。

    The harmonious society is a sort of social ideal which human have been pursuing from an old .

  12. 无论是大众的世俗欲望,还是精英们的价值理想,都应该受到应有的尊重。

    Whether the secular desires of the common people or the ideals of the elite shall be well respected .

  13. 人类解放的价值理想在马克思哲学中处于核心的地位,是马克思学说中的本体论承诺。

    The value ideality of human emancipation is the core of Marxist philosophy , hence the ontological commitment of Marxism .

  14. 黄帝文化的基本特征形成的哲学原因在于,中国传统历史哲学中的历史规律探索与价值理想追求相融合的思维方式。

    The philosophical reason which formed such characteristics is the accommodation method between the historical rule exploration and value ideal pursuit .

  15. 家族文化主要分为人伦秩序、道德情感、价值理想三个层面。

    Family culture is divided into the order of human relations , moral emotion , the three dimensions of values and ideals .

  16. 社会历史的价值理想世界是一种虚拟存在,它指向形而上或未来世界。

    An ideal world of the social and historical values is a virtual existence , which suggests a metaphysical or future orientation .

  17. 哲学理论面对的是人和人类的生活世界,体现的是人对自身生存意义的理解和价值理想的追求。

    Philosophy theory refers to human beings and their real-life and reflects people 's understanding the meaning of survival and pursuing their ideal .

  18. 西方近代发展观以进步理念为基本特征,以理性为发展动力,以人本主义为价值理想。

    The western contemporary development takes progressive concept as its basic feature , rationality as motive , and humanism as ideal of value .

  19. 从理论层面看,现实的人都是有精神的追求着价值理想、生命意义和精神生活档次的自我创造性存在。

    Theoretically , people in reality all have spiritual pursue , value and ideal , life meaning and cultural life of self-creative existence .

  20. 这种契合既体现在二者的根本旨趣都是人类对绝对的和超验的价值理想的追求,同时也体现在二者都暗含着一种对现实的批判性向度。

    This continuity not only indicates the value of the absolute and transcendent idea , but also imply a trait of criticism for reality .

  21. 乌托邦精神与教育的价值理想有着内在的契合性:一方面,乌托邦思想家将教育作为实现其价值理想的最重要力量;

    The utopian spirit tallies with education 's idea . Most utopian thinkers concern education as the most important power to fulfill their ideas ;

  22. 教育的乌托邦精神作为一种在此时此地不具有完全实现可能性的价值理想,也存在着走向异化的危险。

    As a kind of idea that can not be fulfilled now and here , education 's utopian spirit have the danger leading to alienation .

  23. 阳明一生都在努力追求实现“成圣”和万物一体的终极价值理想。

    Yang-ming pursues actualizing " being a saint " and the highest ideal of " myriad things share one body " in all his life .

  24. 他从现实的人出发、从劳动出发,推出了人的自由全面发展的深刻历史规律和最高价值理想。

    He infer the historical law and the highest value ideal of ' free and all-sided development of human being ' from real person and labour .

  25. 实践理性引导人们向善臻美,成就人生的价值理想,从而使人真正成为具有高尚精神境界的人。

    People led by the practical reason to pursue the goodness , attain the beauty and achieve the value of life so as to fulfill the noble spiritual world .

  26. 黑格尔的概念辩证法以最抽象的形式表达了最现实的人类状况,理性、自由、崇高何以可能,是其价值理想承诺。

    Hegel 's concept dialectics expresses " the most realistic man status " in the purest form . " Rational , freedom " is their value ideal that promise .

  27. 而由社会主义本质实现的过程性和社会主义市场经济的最高社会价值理想所决定,平等则是当代中国法律不懈追求的极终价值目标。

    Moreover , decided by the realization process of socialism and the social highest value of socialist market economy , equality becomes the ultimate value goal of contemporary Chinese law .

  28. 公正是人类社会追求的永恒价值理想,也是社会发展过程中需要妥善处理的一个难点问题。

    Justice is the eternal value cause pursued by the human society , and a difficult issue that should be dealt with great care in the development of the society .

  29. 当前大学生存在生命意义追寻空虚化、生命价值理想多元化、生命情感淡漠化、生命责任“实用”化的现象。

    At present college students pursue the void of the life significance , the multi-dimensional ideals of life value , the indifference of life attraction and the practicality of life trend .

  30. 而且无产阶级的解放和全人类的解放的双重价值理想、唯物史观与历史进展的双重动力。

    And " the liberation of the proletariat " and " the liberation of all mankind , " the double value of the ideal of progress and Historical Materialism dual power .