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  • 网络Carnegie;Andrew Carnegie;dale carnegie
  1. 戴尔•卡耐基培训公司(DaleCarnegieTraining)的CEO彼得•韩铎建议按照如下的3个步骤来采取行动。

    Peter Handal , CEO of Dale Carnegie Training , suggests approaching your response in three stages .

  2. MSW研究公司和戴尔-卡耐基培训学校10月份的一项调查显示仅有区区29%的员工会全身心投入工作。

    An October survey by MSW Research and Dale Carnegie Training found only a mere 29 % of employees are fully engaged .

  3. 谁对社会贡献更大呢,是IBM这个跨国集团还是遍布世界的慈善机构卡耐基基金会?

    Has the multinational business or universal philanthropy done more for society ?

  4. 本月,IBM和卡耐基基金会都将迎来100岁生日。

    Both IBM and the Carnegie Corporation will turn 100 this month .

  5. IBM,就像卡耐基一样也在人权领域作出自己的贡献。

    IBM , like Carnegie , also did its bit for civil rights .

  6. IBM和卡耐基基金会的成就无法用数字衡量。

    The achievements of IBM and the Carnegie Corporation are impossible to quantify mathematically .

  7. 因此从某种角度看IBM和卡耐基基金会有类似的使命。

    In a way , therefore , IBM and the Carnegie Corporation had similar missions .

  8. 在头一个50年里,卡耐基基金会在社会的影响力让IBM相形见绌。

    Still , in the first 50 years , the impact of the Carnegie Corporation on society dwarfed that of IBM .

  9. 一个更恰当的问题是:作为世界领先公司之一的IBM和世界上最具影响力的慈善机构的卡耐基基金会,哪个对世界的贡献更大?

    A better question is : which has done more for the world , one of its leading companies or one of its most influential charities ?

  10. 不论IBM和卡耐基基金会所走的道路有多不同,它们都诞生在美国资本主义民主进化进程中的关键时刻。

    Present at the creation However much their paths diverged , IBM and the Carnegie Corporation were both born at a critical point in the evolution of America 's capitalist democracy .

  11. 世界顶级的机器学习研究专家、之前就职于卡耐基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)的格斯特林先生表示,公司所提供的并不仅仅是金钱。

    The companies offer more than just money , said Mr. Guestrin , one of the world 's top machine-learning researchers , previously of Carnegie Mellon .

  12. 乍一看,IBM和卡耐基基金会从事的是两种如此截然不同的事业,以至于比较它们就好像比较苹果园和橘子林一样不靠谱。

    At first glance , IBM and the Carnegie Corporation seem to be engaged in such different endeavours that comparing them might seem about as sensible as comparing apple orchards and orange groves .

  13. 自2002年以来,比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会(BillandMelindaGatesFoundation)已经向此类计划提供了逾4000万美元(约合2.5亿元人民币)的资助,福特基金会(FordFoundation)和纽约卡耐基基金会(CarnegieCorporationofNewYork)亦出资捐助。

    Since 2002 , the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided more than $ 40 million toward initiatives . The Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York have also chipped in .

  14. 他们的老师是卡耐基-梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)机器人研究所的教授们。去年,该研究所在匹兹堡市发起了一项普及机器人知识的活动。

    They were taught by professors at Carnegie Mellon University 's Robotics Institute , which last year launched a citywide outreach program to bring robots to the masses .

  15. 和一个喜欢把自己当成发展中世界里的安德鲁•卡耐基(AndrewCarnegie)的人见面,这里真的更合适吗?

    Is this a more appropriate venue to meet a man who likes to think of himself as the Andrew Carnegie of the developing world ?

  16. 毕竟,她在2007年毕业于卡耐基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellon),取得了信息系统专业的学位,而能取得STEM(科学、技术、工程与数学)学位的女性可谓凤毛麟角。

    After all , she graduated in 2007 from Carnegie Mellon with a degree in information systems , a somewhat rare young woman with a STEM credential .

  17. CERT协调中心是SurvivableSystemsInitiative的一部分的软件工程研究所,由联邦政府资助的研究和在卡耐基梅隆大学开发中心。

    The CERT Coordination Center is part of the Survivable Systems Initiative at the Software Engineering Institute , a federally funded research and development center at Carnegie Mellon University .

  18. 但是卡耐基中东问题中心主任PaulSalem则认为,成功还是有一线希望的。

    But some , like Paul Salem , the director of the Carnegie Middle East Center , offers a glimmer of hope the talks could succeed .

  19. 卡耐基-梅隆大学经济学教授LesterLave称,经济危机导致这种改变的迅速发生。

    Carnegie Mellon University Economics Professor Lester Lave says the economic crisis made the change urgent .

  20. 卡耐基音乐厅原定3月31日举办一场演出,向他致敬,参演者包括根基乐队(theRoots)、辛迪·劳帕(CyndiLauper)和山羊乐队(theMountainGoats)。

    He was to be honored with a concert at Carnegie Hall on March 31 featuring the Roots , Cyndi Lauper and the Mountain Goats .

  21. 本文提出了机器人足球赛中在卡耐基-梅隆大学(CMU)算法基础上,结合势场法进行多智能体行为控制的综合算法。

    This Paper introduce extensive CMU algorithm combined with a potential field approach to control motion in robotic soccer .

  22. 过去的伟大图书馆从牛津大学(Oxford)的博德利图书馆(BodleianLibrary)到卡耐基(AndrewCarnegie)的小城图书馆为学术和经济发展做出了不可估量的贡献。

    The great libraries of the past – from Oxford 's Bodleian Library to Andrew Carnegie 's small town facilities – have made incalculable contributions to scholarship and economic progress .

  23. 卡耐基梅隆大学(CarnegieMellonUniversity)的一篇论文指出,32%的电子邮件用户同意一种说法:“只要读完的信息,我就会立即把它归类到文件夹中。”

    One paper from Carnegie Mellon University found that 32 % of email users agree with the statement , " I file my messages into folders as soon as I have read them . "

  24. 匹兹堡(美国城市)卡耐基梅隆大学的CaseyKute将向我们详细介绍。你好Casey。你好,主持人。

    Joining us now from the Museum of Science Boston is Casey Kute from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.Hi , Casey.Hi , how are you ?

  25. 与之形成对比的是,卡耐基基金会在创立伊始就明确要通过捐赠其创始人工业家安德鲁??卡耐基(AndrewCarnegie)巨大财富的剩余来创造一个更好的世界。

    By contrast , the Carnegie Corporation explicitly set out to create a better world by giving away what remained of the great fortune of its industrialist founder , Andrew Carnegie .

  26. 从过去的50年看,有充分的理由表明IBM比卡耐基的影响力更大——特别是如果你算上它偶尔对慈善做出的贡献,原因是它没能阻止盖茨创立微软。

    Judged on the past 50 years , there is a strong case for saying IBM has had more impact than Carnegie - especially if you count its accidental contribution to philanthropy by incompetently failing to stop Mr Gates from creating Microsoft .

  27. 来自华盛顿卡耐基研究所的一个研究者RobertHazen推测,最终这些结构变得可以复制,形成了海岸岩石上的薄膜。

    Eventually , these units could have replicated , forming thin films on the seashore rocks , says Robert Hazen , a researcher at the Carnegie Institution in Washington .

  28. 巴菲特说,当他在哥伦比亚大学攻读MBA学位时,非常害怕公众演讲,还报名参加了一门戴尔▪卡耐基类的课程,不过最后又改了主意。

    While he was getting his MBA from Columbia University , Buffett said that he was terrified of public speaking , and signed up for a Dale Carnegie class , but changed his mind at the last minute .

  29. Orpheus乐团在国际上享有盛誉,他们定期在卡耐基音乐厅演出,甚至获得了格莱美奖。

    Orpheus is recognized internationally for it 's excellence , regularly plays at Carnegie Hall , and has even won a Grammy Award .

  30. 从1955年起担任卡耐基基金会总裁的约翰??加德纳(JohnGardner)也在1965年的有关发展基础和中级教育法案方面起到重要作用,该法案为公立学校提供了第一大笔联邦基金。

    John Gardner , president of the Carnegie Corporation from 1955 , was also important in developing the Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965 , which provided the first large slug of federal funding for public schools .