
  • 网络calama;Carramar
  1. 计划很成功,对蒙卡拉马里星的攻击停止了。

    The plan was successful , and the attack on Mon Calamari was stopped .

  2. 为了炫耀武力,帝国从空间轨道上摧毁了三座蒙卡拉马里城市。

    As a show of power , the Empire destroyed three Mon Calamari cities from orbit .

  3. 于是,在数千年前,蒙·卡拉马利人开始了一项大胆而有争议的试验。

    Thus , centuries ago , the Mon Calamari embarked on a bold and controversial experiment .

  4. 蒙·卡拉马利人是海岸居民,舒适地生活在地表和水中。

    The Mon Calamari developed as coastal dwellers , living comfortably in both the water and on the surface .

  5. 开始欣赏毕加索的画,尤其对《格尔尼卡》印象深刻;阅读陀思妥耶夫斯基的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》,和大家讨论“宗教大法官”的意义。

    experienced Picasso 's paintings , especially Guernica , and debated the meaning of the " Grand Inquisitor " in Dostoyevsky 's Brothers Karamazov .

  6. 卡拉马拉斯称,事发时,凯特琳在比赛中噎住了,两名在场的护士专业学生立即采取了急救措施,警方和医护人员也很快赶到现场。

    When Nelson started choking at the contest , two nursing students who were there immediately began lifesaving measures and were quickly joined by police officers and paramedics , Kalamaras said .