
  • 网络The Missing;missing person
  1. 失踪者已被确认为詹姆斯∙凯利。

    The missing man has been named as James Kelly .

  2. 你能描述一下那个失踪者吗?

    Can you provide a description of the missing person ?

  3. 这座纪念碑已成为人们纪念那些死者和失踪者的神圣之地。

    The monument has been turned into a shrine to the dead and the missing .

  4. 救援人员正在搜寻昨天的失踪者。

    Rescue crews were searching for others who were missing yesterday .

  5. 我们从寻找数百失踪者们开始今天的节目。

    We start with the search for hundreds of missing people .

  6. 警方可以提供失踪者名单吗?

    Will the police have a list of missing persons ?

  7. 警方正设法查明那个失踪者的下落。

    The police are trying to locate the missing man .

  8. 警方为失踪者立的档案听到正确的答案就起立。

    A police file on missing persons Stand for the right answer .

  9. 在洞穴中发现了那个失踪者的骸骨。

    The skeleton of the missing man was discovered in the cave .

  10. 如果你们不能很快的找到失踪者。

    That if you don 't find them quickly .

  11. 同时打捞人员继续谨慎的寻找8位失踪者。

    Meanwhile divers continue the delicate task of looking for 8 missing people .

  12. 紧急救援人员挨家挨户地搜寻失踪者。

    Emergency workers resorted to searching door to door for those reported missing .

  13. 任何有可能见过失踪者的人。

    Anybody that might have seen the missing person .

  14. 他们以吊念失踪者的名义战斗着。

    Who fight in the name of the disappeared .

  15. 扩音器里播出失踪者的名单。

    Names ring out on the loudspeaker of people who are still missing .

  16. 伤者已被送到了医院,失踪者正在搜寻。

    The wounded have been sent to hospital and the1ost are being searched for .

  17. 找到失踪者的希望逐渐渺茫。

    Hopes for the missing men are fading .

  18. 美国军方正从地面、空中和水面多方搜寻这两名失踪者。

    U.S.Military is searching for the two by air , ground and in the water .

  19. 失踪者中有琼斯上尉。

    Captain Jones is among the missing .

  20. 多瑙河地区失踪者小组委员会;

    Danube Subcommission on missing persons ;

  21. 数百名失踪者在灾难发生数日后被报平安。

    Hundreds of people who had been missing were found safe days after the disaster struck .

  22. 警方为失踪者立的档案

    A police file on missing persons

  23. 地震后的第四天,镇上仍有救援人员在搜寻失踪者,并发现一些生还者。

    Four days after the earthquake struck , rescuers in the town are still searching for-and finding-people alive .

  24. 佐治亚州食堂精炼厂的大火已经基本扑灭,但搜救失踪者的工作还在进行。

    The fire was out at a Georgia sugar refinery , but the search continues for four missing men .

  25. 有人说,你再张嘴,下一个失踪者就是你!

    Someone said , if you open your mouth again , the next one to disappear will be you !

  26. 结果便是那部旷世之作&超现实侦破小说《失踪者》,写的是一个名叫AVowl的神秘失踪者的故事。

    The result was La Disparition , a surreal detective story about the mysterious disappearance of a character named A.Vowl .

  27. 当他们看见拉普时,他们才明白过来有一位失踪者是迪恩·波特。

    It was not until they saw Rapp that they realized that one of the men missing was Dean Potter .

  28. 救援人员已经发现了最后一名失踪者的尸体,死亡总人数已经上升到8人。

    Rescuers have found the body of the last person still missing , taking the total number killed to eight .

  29. 所以,政府下令数千军队使用铲子或徒手搜寻失踪者。

    So the government has ordered in thousands of troops using s and their bare hands to search for the missing .

  30. 文学史上的失踪者:穆木天&中国现代文学中的左翼文学论(一)

    Mu Mutian : " the Absence of Literature History " & The Theory on Left-wing Literature of Modern Chinese Literature (ⅰ);