
yì zhàn zhǎnɡ
  • head of a post station
  1. 也是一名伟大的作家,印刷家,政治思想家,政治家,驿站长,科学家,发明家,社会活动家和外交家。

    He was also a leading writer and printer , political thinker , politician , postmaster , scientist , inventor , civic activist and diplomat .

  2. 驿站长、驿站长夫人、仆役、卖托尔若克刺绣品的农妇,都走进来向他提供帮助。

    The overseer and his wife , his valet , and a peasant woman with Torzhok embroidery for sale , came into the room , offering their services .

  3. 普希金在《驿站长》中运用了浪子回头、神秘数字3、7、13,以及小男孩万卡形象等材料,这些材料源自《圣经》典故。

    In the story The Stage Agent , Bushkin employs such biblical allusions as the return of the prodigal son , mysterious numbers 3,7 and 13 , and the image represented by the boy Ванька to convey metaphorical meanings related to Bible .