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yì zhàn
  • stage;post;courier station;post house
驿站 [yì zhàn]
  • [post] 古时专供传递文书者或来往官吏中途住宿、补给、换马的处所

驿站[yì zhàn]
  1. 双城境内金代三个驿站名考

    On the Three Stage Names of Jin Dynasty in Shuangcheng Area

  2. 大学是当代青年走向成功人生的驿站。

    For the contemporary young people , university is a stage toward success .

  3. 其他著名角色:2003年“心灵驿站”中的Emily

    Emily in " The Station Agent " ( 2003 ) ,

  4. 最后分析了3G驿站(Femto)相对其他室内覆盖方案的技术优势和劣势,指出了商业化实现的现状及需要解决的问题。

    Finally , the technique advantages and shortcomings of femtocell compared to other indoor coverage strategies are analyzed . And the commercial realization situation and the problems to be solved are proposed .

  5. 库索是法国西南米其林两星级餐厅驿站酒店(RelaisdelaPoste)的主厨,他说这种鸟儿没有受到不人道的对待,还引用未发表的一项加拿大鸟类学研究,指出圃鹀在北欧的数量约在3000万只。

    Mr. Coussau , the chef at the two-Michelin-star restaurant Relais de la Poste in southwest France , insisted that the birds were not treated inhumanely , and cited an unpublished Canadian ornithological study indicating that the ortolan population in Northern Europe is around 30 million .

  6. 转售二手电子产品的游戏驿站(GameStop)、EcoATM和Gazelle的数据样本显示,苹果推出新版iPhone时,很多人会将旧设备卖掉,或以旧换新。

    A sampling of data from GameStop , EcoATM and Gazelle , companies that resell used electronics , shows that around the time a new iPhone makes its debut , plenty of people sell their old devices or trade them in to save money on their new iPhone .

  7. 东坝自古就是茶马古道的驿站。

    There was a courier station in Dongba in ancient times .

  8. 骑士离开一个驿站快马飞奔驶向下一个。

    A rider would leave one station and gallop to another .

  9. 欧盟创新驿站网络对中国科技中介机构发展的启示

    Implications of Innovation Relay Center on Development of Technology Agent in China

  10. 我们的爱不是一个来而又往的驿站。

    Our love is not a place we came to and left .

  11. 驿站里的居民有主要是汉族和彝族。这音乐源于彝族的早期民歌。

    This music descends from the early ballads of the Yi people .

  12. 他发明了一种特技,可以滑过移动的驿站马车车底。

    He invented the famous trick of sliding under a moving stagecoach .

  13. 他知道离前面的驿站只有二十哩路了。

    He knew the relay to be at a distance of seven leagues .

  14. 每15到20英里会在驿站上做短暂地停留以换取新马。

    He stopped every 15 to 25 miles to get a fresh horse .

  15. 心灵驿站&亟待设立的高校图书疗法阅览室

    Intelligent Courier Station & University Book-therapy Reading Rooms Eagerly Waiting for Setting up

  16. 融入地域环境的现代驿站

    The Modern Relay Station That Merges the Region Environment

  17. 韩佳,这就是你说的驿站?

    This is the post house you talked about ?

  18. 昔日的西部,有时亡命徒会劫持驿站马车。

    In the old West , outlaws sometimes tuck up the stage coaches .

  19. 我们的驿站,空间宽敞明亮,环境卫生优雅。

    Our " Inn ", spacious and bright , elegant and environmental health .

  20. 任职凤翔府签判时期,是苏轼诗歌创作历程中的重要驿站。

    Being and assistant in Fengxiang is important stage of Sushi 's poem writing .

  21. 都市驿站谈现代商务酒店的发展与设计住宅配送邮政欲大力进军的物流领域

    CITY POST House - Delivery : Physical Distributions for China Post to Energetically Develop

  22. 晚上,他们抵达一个邻国的驿站。

    In the evening , they reached a way station of their neighbor nation .

  23. 第六部分,以青岛创新驿站为例。

    The sixth part takes Qingdao Innovation Relay Centre as an example to elaborate .

  24. 确实,如果就把他丢在这座糟糕的驿站不管还真有些不近人情。

    It truly would be unfeeling to leave him alone in this lousy station .

  25. 驿站长耸耸肩说。

    Said the postmaster , shrugging his shoulders .

  26. 这对于进一步深入元朝的驿站交通和信息传播制度的研究很有帮助。

    This is helpful to further the dak traffic and information dissemination system research .

  27. 全国有驿站1300多处。

    At that time there were more than 1300 relay stations in the country .

  28. 西湖驿站欢迎各位热爱运动的朋友一起挥洒汗水,享受运动的快乐!

    You are welcome to enjoying the happiness of sports here in Xihu Station !

  29. 幸福是在太少和太多之间的驿站。&波洛克

    Happiness is a way station between too little and too much . & Channing Pollock

  30. 你们只要在驿站上提一提我的名字,就会有人来招待你们。

    If you mention my name at the Bell , you will be attended to .