
yì mǎ
  • post-horse;relay;courier horse
驿马 [yì mǎ]
  • (1) [post-horse]∶一种供邮政骑手或乘骑邮政使用的马

  • (2) [relay]∶在驿站中准备替换其它马匹以便旅行者立刻继续前进的马匹

驿马[yì mǎ]
  1. 除了骑士,经营驿马快信公司还需要其他的人手。

    Besides riders , other people helped run the Pony Express .

  2. 驿马快递号准备好正等着你们的小队。

    The Pony Express stands ready and waiting for your team .

  3. 驿马快信要比当时的公共马车快多了。

    The Pony Express was much faster than the stagecoach .

  4. 他又说,“难道我们就不能租用驿马吗?”

    He said ," but can 't we have post-horses ?"

  5. 你骑驿马多久才能把这封急信送到港口去?

    How fast can you post to the port with this urgent message ?

  6. 当电报线在加利福尼亚设立后,驿马快信就停止了营运。

    It stopped running when telegraph wires reached California .

  7. 尽管如此,仍然有年轻男士愿意在驿马快信公司当差。

    Still , there were young men willing to ride for the Pony Express .

  8. 驿马快信当时很成功。

    The Pony Express was successful .

  9. 驿马信使是建于1860年的一个服务机构,它向西部地区送去信件和新闻。

    The Pony Express was a service started in1860 that carried mail and news throughtout the West .

  10. 1860年4月3日,驿马快信公司的一个骑士从密苏里州的圣约瑟向西驶去。

    On April 3 , 1860 , one Pony Express rider rode west from St. Joseph , Missouri .

  11. 严冬马上到了。已经回来两拨人了,最后这次驿马差人和仆人在众人的欢迎中回来了。

    Twice had icy winter returned before the bishop welcomed the horsemen and servants back to their home .

  12. 公共马车送信历时一月之久,而驿马快信则能在十日之内送到。

    A stagecoach took one month to deliver mail . A Pony Express rider could do it in ten days .

  13. 当时有三个人组建了一个名叫驿马快信的公司,负责在美国西部运送邮件和新闻。

    Three people started a company called the Pony Express . The Pony Express carried mail and news throughout the West .

  14. 驿马快信公司雇佣的都是年轻人,他们通常都在18岁以下,且身材极瘦。

    The Pony Express hired young men . They were often younger than 18 years old . They were skinny , too .

  15. 连马也没有!”他又说,“难道我们就不能租用驿马吗?”

    " Do you understand that , my dear Franz & no horses ?" he said ," but can 't we have post-horses ?"

  16. 骑驿马到各城镇递送.乘驿站马车的人在下一个驿站换马时下了车。

    Post from town to town The people in the coach got off at the next stage , when the horses were changed .

  17. 驿马快公司的马匹都是体形小的野马,它们身高不过五英尺,奔跑时时速可达12英里。

    The Pony Express ponies were mustangs . These were small , wild horses . The horses were less than five feet tall . They galloped almost twelve miles an hour .

  18. 在波罗底诺战役前几天,尼古拉领到经费和文件,派出一个骠骑兵先行,嗣后他乘驿马到沃罗涅日去了。

    A few days before the battle of Borodino , Nikolay received the sums of money and official warrants required , and , sending some hussars on before him , he drove with posting-horses to Voronezh .