
yù tánɡ
  • bathhouse;public bath
浴堂 [yù táng]
  • [bathhouse] 澡堂;洗澡的地方

  1. 作为城市服务设施之一的公共浴堂在江户时代应运而生,使沐浴文化的普及和繁荣成为可能。

    As one of the city 's service facilities , the public bathroom helped to bring about the popularization and prosperity of the bathing culture across the country .

  2. 匈牙利以奢华温泉闻名于世,在20世纪初新艺术运动时期兴建于矿物热温泉旁的盖特勒浴堂,是一件了不起的杰作。

    Even in a country known for its luxurious spas , the Gellert thermal baths , built around natural mineral hot springs in an early-20th-century Art Noveau complex , are an amazing sight .