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yǒu sī
  • officials
有司 [yǒu sī]
  • [official] 指官吏。古代设官分职,各有专司,故称

  • 陛下可将彼家属送有司问罪。--《三国演义》

  • 召有司案图。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

  • 宜付有司论其刑赏。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 授之于有司。--宋. 王安石《答司马谏议书》

  1. 有司特尔仪器使用经验者优先。

    Have experience of struer 's tools is advance .

  2. 三有司掌握着城邑人口、农牧生产、军备、军法、建筑等政治军事生活的重要方面,无疑是国家政治生活的核心。

    The officers of San You Si hold the corn of the dynasty , such as cities population , agriculture and animal husbandry production , arms military law , construction and other important aspects of the political and military life .

  3. 用户正确的使用安装有我司产品的车。

    The vehicle which are assembled with our products should be drived correctly .

  4. 放松和重建目前的出租车管制,不但有利于司乘各方的利益,而且也有利于中国出租车市场的健康发展。

    Loosening and passengers , benefits the active progress of china 's taxi market .

  5. 在有律政司面同意下,不得就本例所任何罪行提起控。

    No prosecution in respect of any offence under this Ordinance shall be instituted without the consent in writing of the attorney general .

  6. 你有没有去过司麦理在切尔西的房子?

    Did you go to smiley 's house in chelsea ?

  7. 有几个面试司理提到有些求职者在面试过程当中突然身材不适。

    A few of the hiring managers mentioned candidates who suddenly fell ill during an interview .

  8. 我方需要有关于贵司提供我们的产品中的化学物质的全面的信息。

    We will need comprehensive information concerning the chemical substances in all those products you supply us with and which potentially fall within the scope of " REACH " .

  9. 希望有机会同贵司合作!

    We do hope we will have chance to cooperate with you !

  10. 有没有为章司着想?

    Did you ever think how Shoji really felt ?

  11. 并有必要听取会司律师和专利代理人的意见。

    And it would be necessary to obtain advice from both the Company 's solicitor and Patent Agent .

  12. 同时,由于铁路运力倍增所急需的高素质、有操纵经验的司乘人员的需求大大增加。

    At the same time , due to the multiplication of the railway transport capacity , the train drivers with high-quality and operating experience is in great demand .

  13. 早期成功使它很快就有能力收购蔡司遗留下的研发部门,并开始研发自己的产品最初是为环保与医药行业研发测量设备。

    Early success meant it was soon able to acquire what remained of a research and development unit of Zeiss and began to develop its own products , starting with measurement tools for the environmental and pharmaceutical industries .