
  • 网络Greatness;Tolerance is;tolerance brings respect
  1. 这正是他“有容乃大”的虚心态度所带来的丰富的精神成果。

    And it is the very modesty " Tolerance Is Agreeable " that brings about such abundant spiritual achievements .

  2. 如对外来佛教文化的融合吸收,就显示了中华文化海纳百川、有容乃大的宽广胸怀。

    It showed the broad-minded to absorb the outside Buddhist culture .

  3. 海纳百川、有容乃大:宁波(鄞州)博物馆方案投标设计的回顾

    Design review of bidding scheme for Ningbo ( Yinzhou ) Museum

  4. 大多数澳大利亚人也早就原谅日本人了。有容乃大啊!

    Most Australians forgave the Japanese long ago as well .

  5. 海纳百川,有容乃大&启功先生与中国古典文献学

    Sir Qi - gong and Classical Chinese Bibliography

  6. 公司同仁始终不渝的坚持海纳百川,有容乃大的企业宗旨。

    We will continue firmly uphold our corporate tenet of containing thousands of little rivers , the sea is great .

  7. 除了城市海纳百川有容乃大,敞开胸怀爱护和吸纳新移民,除了努力追求社会中所有人的平等和公正,没有什么能让世界免于动荡、不安与危险。

    Without cities'welcoming and embracing new migrants and everybody 's equality and justice in society , the world would not be free from turbulence , instability and danger .

  8. 中国文化历经千年,多元化的中国文化在这里互相尊重包容,形成和而不同的博大精深的中国文化,正所谓海纳百川,有容乃大。

    Chinese culture after the millennium , a plurality of Chinese culture here , mutual respect and tolerance , formed " harmony but not Sameness " the broad and profound Chinese culture , is the so-called " all rivers run into sea , has a capacity of Naida " .

  9. 的确,虽然中原地产不像深圳那样领跑中国,并有成熟的深圳模式,但是,她海纳百川、有容乃大的胸怀却是为数不多的。

    Indeed , although the HENAN real estate does not run like the Shenzhen such collar China , and has " the Shenzhen pattern " maturely , but , She is few in number to accept outside .