
yù yī
  • bathrobe;yukata;dressing gown
浴衣 [yù yī]
  • [dressing gown;bathrobe] 只在洗澡前后穿的衣服,一般为长袍形

浴衣[yù yī]
  1. 我挣扎着穿上浴衣,踉跄地下了楼。

    I struggled into a bathrobe and staggered down the stairs .

  2. 我胖得连浴衣都系不上了。

    I 'm so fat my bathrobe won 't tie up !

  3. 我才发现我忘了穿浴衣。

    I realized I forgot to put on my bathing suit .

  4. 此外商务客房提供高速上网,浴衣和拖鞋。

    Business rooms offer additionally high-speed internet , Bathrobe and Slippers .

  5. 如果你感到紧张,不妨想象听众都穿着浴衣的样子。

    Imagine the audience in bathrobes in case you are nervous .

  6. 他常常整天穿着浴衣闲坐着。

    He often sat around in his bathrobe all day .

  7. 慢慢地,她从最下面扣上了浴衣的扣子。

    Slowly , she buttons her black blouse from the bottom up .

  8. 威利的旧浴衣在他瘦弱的身上摆动。

    Willie 's old robe flapped around his frail figure .

  9. 亮红色的瓢虫浴衣。

    Funny ladybug animal ( $ 56.99 ) towel in bright red .

  10. 这里男女设施分区,不允许穿浴衣。

    Facilities are separated by gender and bathing suits are not permitted .

  11. 暖气,浴室,浴室用品,浴缸或淋浴,浴衣,淋浴,电视,空调。

    This room features a TV and a private bathroom with a shower .

  12. 可能是像在浴衣里的一把光秃秃的枪。

    Maybe like a bald guy in a bathrobe .

  13. 他从浴室出来,穿着那件红色的丝质浴衣。

    The boy bathed and put on his bathrobe and went into his room .

  14. 从大号的100%棉的浴衣开始,到最大的吸水纸。

    Start with an oversized , 100 percent cotton bath sheet for maximum blotting .

  15. 她穿着一件毛巾布浴衣。

    She was dressed in a towelling bath-robe .

  16. 有一件浴衣,或其他的衣服你不介意越来越混乱。

    Have a bathrobe or other clothing that you do not mind getting messy .

  17. 挂在床柱上的提花浴衣上写着:巴黎丽兹酒店。

    The jacquard bathrobe hanging on his bedpost bore the monogram : HOTEL RITZ PARIS .

  18. 当欧洲人还穿着小小的浴衣当潮汐变幻时会发生什么

    And European men in tiny bathing suits.This is what happens , As The Tide Turns

  19. 她穿着一件旧浴衣。

    She had on an old bathrobe .

  20. 用毛巾布做的浴衣。

    A bathrobe made of toweling .

  21. 这样你才拍到东条英机穿浴衣的照片,记得吗?

    All so you could get a photograph of Tojo Hideki in his bathrobe , remember ?

  22. 也穿着浴衣,在查看照片,那是怎样的男孩呢?

    Also wearing a bathrobe , in view photos , that is what the boys do ?

  23. 我记得我脱掉衣服,穿上浴衣,站在室外阳台上。

    I remember undressing , putting on a bathrobe , and standing out on the balcony .

  24. 苏拉娅从浴室出来,丢掉浴衣,悄无声息的溜到床上,在他身边躺下。

    Soraya emerges from the bathroom , drops her robe , slides into bed beside him .

  25. 我跑到礼品店,可是那里只有这个和一套浴衣。

    I went down to the gift shop , and it 's either this or the bathrobe .

  26. 正式的和服作为日常穿着的地位,被更为便捷的西服和浴衣所取代。

    The formal Kimono was replaced by the more convenient Western clothes and Yukata as everyday wear .

  27. 娜塔丽坐在婴孩身边,她穿着浴衣,一只手搭在盖着毯子的篮子上。

    Natalie sat by the baby , in a bathrobe , one hand resting on the blanketed basket .

  28. 洗浴和水疗中心的特点是功能浴巾,蓬松溪水埃及棉毛巾浴衣。

    The Bath & Spa collection features bath towels and bathrobes made of fluffy and absorbent Egyptian terry cotton .

  29. 我躺在检查桌上面,里面穿着内衣,外面套一件毛呢浴衣。

    I lay down on the examining table . I 'd worn a big plaid flannel shirt and a camisole underneath .

  30. 他生病时一副可怜样,穿着颜色暗淡的浴衣,头发也不梳理,就不怎么漂亮了。

    He was a helpless creature in sickness , not very handsome in a dull-coloured bath gown and his hair uncombed .