
shī yè zhě
  • the unemployed;the jobless
  1. 失业者没法罢工——他们没有这种实力。

    The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour — they have no power .

  2. 失业者不能一概而论。

    The unemployed are not a homogeneous group

  3. 政府只不过是做做样子表示了一下对失业者的帮助。

    The government has only made a token gesture towards helping the unemployed .

  4. 政府被指责对失业者背信弃义。

    The government is accused of ratting on its promises to the unemployed .

  5. 我加入了失业者的行列。

    I 've joined the ranks of the unemployed .

  6. 大量失业者开始感到日子不好过了。

    Lots of people who have lost their jobs are starting to feel the pinch .

  7. 对数百万失业者来说,通货膨胀率的微降是不起作用的安慰。

    A small drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort for the millions without a job .

  8. 这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。

    The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time .

  9. 一项旨在帮助长期失业者的新的培训计划有望出台。

    A new training scheme to help the long-term unemployed is expected

  10. 上个月,有37万美国人加入了失业者的行列。

    Last month , 370,000 Americans joined the ranks of the unemployed

  11. 就业安置计划是为了帮助那些失业者。

    A job placement program exists to help those who are unemployed .

  12. 18岁及以上人群当中,有51万救济金申领者并非是失业者。

    Among those 18 and over , 510,000 benefit claimants were not unemployed

  13. 他仅仅是想引起人们对失业者困境的关注。

    He just wants to draw attention to the plight of the unemployed .

  14. 政府只是让那些失业者靠领取救济金颓废度日。

    The government simply left the unemployed to rot on the dole .

  15. 但是,由于工资水平仍然相对稳定,富裕阶层和长期失业者之间的经济差距越来越大,更多的人担心相反的情况,即通货紧缩会加剧经济问题。

    But with wages still relatively flat and the economy increasingly divided between the well-off and the long ¬ - term unemployed , more people worry about the opposite , deflation that would aggravate the economy 's problems .

  16. 然而,如果你给出否定回答,你可能会惊讶地发现,只有在过去四周积极找工作的情况下,你才是失业者;否则,你就是"未就业人员",实际上并不是失业者。

    If you say no , however , it may surprise you to learn that you are only unemployed if you 've been actively looking for work in the past four weeks ; otherwise , you are " marginally attached to the labor force " and not actually unemployed .

  17. 中年家庭主妇、退休人员和失业者来到这类咖啡馆,与心理学家谈论爱情、愤怒和梦想。

    Middle-aged homemakers , retirees , and the unemployed come to such cafes to talk about love , anger , and dreams with a psychologist .

  18. 任何一个失业者都被认为应受到政府的帮助。

    Any unemployed person reckons as deserving government help .

  19. 俱乐部变得更像是失业者协会,球迷愿意为其做任何事情。

    Clubs became more like brotherhoods for the jobless and fans would do anything for them .

  20. 第三,通过扩大贸易调整援助计划(tradeadjustmentassistance),加大对失业者的帮助。

    Third , expand help for the unemployed by enlarging the trade adjustment assistance programme .

  21. 凯特米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)4月29日结婚时,应该是一名失业者。

    When Kate Middleton marries next Friday , it will be as a jobless person .

  22. 在各种新的差距中,有一个是就业者和失业者之间的差距。美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)正寻求再出台一项500亿美元刺激计划,来弥合这一差距。

    Of the new divisions , one is the gap between employed and unemployed that President Barack Obama seeks to close with yet another $ 50bn stimulus programme .

  23. 失业者65%的COBRA医疗保险是由纳税人缴纳的。

    People who are out of work , 65 percent of their premiums for their COBRA health insurance are paid by taxpayers .

  24. 在旧金山,天主教慈善会(CatholicCharities)等一些非政府组织利用私人资金和政府拨款来帮助失业者,给他们提供短期住所,并安排工作培训。

    In San Francisco , non-government organizations such as Catholic Charities use private funds and government grants to help the unemployed , offering short term housing and arranging job training .

  25. 大量的失业者在这场复苏中依然找不到工作,包括快50岁的化学师巴斯蒂安(RoyBastian),他曾在空气化工产品公司(AirProducts&Chemicals,Inc.)担任研究员,负责气体化学实验,后来在2008年初失业。

    The recovery has left behind a legion of unemployed , including Roy Bastian , a chemist near 50 who lost his job in early 2008 as a researcher conducting gas-and-chemical experiments at Air Products & Chemicals , Inc.

  26. 自周日起,20多岁的学生与失业者在西班牙数十个城市举行了已被称为“5/15运动”的抗议活动,他们通过twitter和facebook等网站协调联络。

    In what has become known as the " May 15 movement " , students and unemployed people in their 20s coordinating themselves through websites such as twitter and Facebook have since Sunday staged protests in dozens of Spanish cities .

  27. 实际上,正如Casselman指出的那样,长时间失业者的命运是很糟糕的。

    In fact , as Casselman points out , the fate of the long-term unemployed has always been grim .

  28. RichMilgram是一家名为Beyond.com的招聘公司的负责人,他说另一个问题是,招聘专家是经济衰退期间的首批失业者。

    Rich Milgram is head of a recruitment company called Beyond.com . He says another problem is that the people who are experts at f in d in g just the right workers were the first ones out of work dur in g the recession .

  29. 奥特尔的数据表明,多达10%的因进口竞争而失业者可以领取社会福利残疾保险(SSDI)。

    Mr Autor 's data suggest that as many as10 % of those losing employment following an import shock obtain Social Security Disability Insurance ( SSDI ) .

  30. Krueger与其合作者写道即使在繁荣时期,克服那些阻碍长时间失业者找到赚钱的工作的绊脚石,也很可能会需要决策者、社会组织、社会团体、家庭以及恰当的货币政策的共同协作。

    Overcoming the obstacles that prevent many of the long-term unemployed from finding gainful employment , even in good times , will likely require a concerted effort by policy makers , social organizations , communities and families , in addition to appropriate monetary policy , Krueger and his co-authors write .