
zhuǎn yù
  • metonymy;trope
  1. 本文以ThornburgPanther的言语行为转喻(简称为SAM)理论来分析涉及请求的误解产生的原因。

    The paper attempts to apply Speech Act Metonymy ( SAM ) Theory proposed by Thornburg Panther to tracing causes of misunderstanding concerning requests .

  2. 认知语言学中的理想化认知模型(IdealizedCognitiveModels,简称ICM),尤其是典型理想化认知模式可以构建我们对转喻(Metonymy)生成的理解。

    Idealized Cognitive Models ( ICM ), especially the typical ICM in cognitive linguistics , can be used to construct the understanding of metonymy generation .

  3. 这样,我们在换喻(者翻译为转喻,一种以部分代替整体的修辞方法)上就有了一个隐喻的替代。

    Here , then , we have a metaphorical substitution on a metonymic axis .

  4. 汉语VO结构与转喻认知机制

    Chinese VO structure and metonymic mechanism

  5. 本文的例证分析主要建立在Lakoff和Johnson关于比喻,转喻的理论基础上。

    The theoretical foundations on which my analysis is based are mainly from sources of Lakoff and Johnson 's theory of metaphor and metonymy .

  6. 研究发现:为了某种目的,人们通常让该句式的宾语O2使用转喻,这种转喻有其形成的认知条件;

    We find that , for some purpose , people usually put the Oa in metonymy , and this kind of metonymy also has its cognitive condition .

  7. 进入20世纪80年代,以GeorgeLakoff为代表的认知语言学家指出,同隐喻一样,转喻也是人类日常思维和行动的方式。

    Since the 1980s , George Lakoff and some other cognitive linguists have argued that metonymy , like metaphor , is a peculiar way of thinking and conceptual in nature .

  8. 汉语VO结构中,V和O的逻辑语义关系有很多种,根据这些语义关系组合而成的词组,有些已超出了传统语法所能解释的范围,实际上体现了转喻机制的运作。

    There appear many kinds of semantic relations between V and O in Chinese VO structures , some of which are beyond the explanation of the traditional grammar . They can be explained from the metonymical dimension .

  9. 通过对连贯与推理关系的讨论,文章揭示了Panther和Thornburg(1998)的言语行为转喻理论所展示的会话连贯人际共性和个体差异。

    This cognitive analysis attempts to show that Panther & Thornburg 's speech act metonymy theory ( 1998 ) will highlight both the common ground and individual differences in achieving conversational coherence .

  10. Radden进一步提出了以转喻为基础的隐喻的四种转喻来源,分别是共同的经验基础,语用含义,范畴结构和会话含义。

    Radden also puts forward four types of metonymic sources of metonymy-based metaphors , which are common experiential basis , implicature , category structure and cultural models .

  11. 本文从Jakobson的结构主义理论出发,运用认知语言学的隐喻、转喻和空间合成理论,对意象并置产生的实时意义建构进行了分析。

    The paper , starting from Jakobson 's structuralist theory , applies the current theories of metaphor , metonymy and blended space in cognitive linguistics to the analysis of the online meaning construction of juxtaposed images .

  12. Radden认为转喻与隐喻分别是连续体两端的类典型范畴,中间是以转喻为基础的隐喻的模糊地带。

    Radden holds that the classical notions of metonymy and metaphor are to be seen as prototypical categories along a metonymy-metaphor continuum with a wide range of intermediate categories such as metonymy-based metaphors in between .

  13. 英汉人体头部器官转喻现象研究

    An English-Chinese Study on Metonymic Meanings of Organs in the Head

  14. 与因果转喻相关的句法语义现象

    On Syntactic and Semantic Phenomenon Related to Cause - Result Metonymy

  15. 传统上,转喻被看成是一种修辞格。

    Traditionally , metonymy is viewed as a figure of speech .

  16. 大部分学者的工作集中在转喻的分类和运行机制上。

    Most scholars focus on classifying and cognitive motivation of metonymy .

  17. 从头认知&转喻、隐喻与一词多义现象研究

    Cognition from Head & Research on Polysemy with Metonymy and Metaphor

  18. 第三,悲伤情感隐喻的本质是转喻。

    Third , the nature of sadness metaphor is metonymic .

  19. 转喻是比隐喻更为基础的认知方式。

    Metonymy is a more fundamental cognitive way than metaphor .

  20. 并且无意识通常通过隐喻和转喻得以表现出来。

    And the unconscious usually expresses itself either by metaphor or metonymy .

  21. 认知理论框架下的转喻与概念整合理论关联研究

    An Analysis of Metonymy and Conceptual Integration Theory in Cognitive Linguistic Perspective

  22. 概念转喻的本质、分类和认知运作机制

    Conceptual Metonymy : Its Nature , Classification and Cognitive Mechanism

  23. 传统研究一直把转喻和隐喻视作文学和修辞的工具。

    Metaphor and metonymy have traditionally been regarded as figures of speech .

  24. 而是通过隐喻,转喻认知机制来激发,而这些认知机制是因文化和语言而异的。

    Meanwhile , these cognitive mechanisms may be culture or language specific .

  25. 隐喻和转喻的区分:研究现状和分歧

    Distinction Between Metaphor and Metonymy : Status quo and Disagreements

  26. 俄罗斯的中国想像:深层结构与阶段转喻

    Russian Images of China : Deep Structure and Phase Metonymy

  27. 原型范畴理论视角下的转喻认知研究

    Cognitive Study of Metonymy from the Perspective of Prototype Theory

  28. 间接言语行为认知转喻推理及其实践性分析

    Cognitive and Metonymic Inference of Indirect Speech Act and Its Practicality Analysis

  29. 概念转喻视角下的名动互转英汉对比研究

    Noun-Verb Conversion as Conceptual Metonymy : A Comparison between English and Chinese

  30. 转喻与隐喻的连续体现象与多义词的认知研究

    Continuum of Metonymy and Metaphor and Cognitive Study of Polysemy