
zhuǎn shì
  • reincarnation;transmigration
转世 [zhuǎn shì]
  • (1) [the lamaist system of choosing new living Buddha]∶喇嘛教上层人物在首领(活佛)去世后确定继承者的制度及过程。继承者从活佛去世那一刻出生的诸婴儿中选定一个,方法不外是迷信式的占卜或降神等。该制度从13世纪相沿至今

  • (2) [reincarnation]∶佛教指人或动物的因果报应,托胎转生

  1. 两人对于灵魂转世有不同的看法。

    The two men had disagreed about reincarnation .

  2. 许多非洲的部落都相信人会转世。

    Many African tribes believe in reincarnation .

  3. 如果你转世成为动物,你愿意做哪种动物?

    If you were reborn as an animal , which animal would you be ?

  4. 转世轮回是确有其事还是无稽之谈?

    Is reincarnation fact or fable ?

  5. SoofiaAleem在斯坦福市民中心召开现场会议,现在,这名自称耶稣转世的男子刚刚结束了自己的讲话,Soofia。

    Soofia Aleem is live at the Stafford Civic Centre , where the man who claims he is God just finished talking . Soofia .

  6. GlimpseLabs的联合创始人艾丽莎·舍温斯基(ElissaShevinsky)强调说,“最好的风险投资人都非常专业。”然后她告诉我一件事:当她向一个名声很好的投资人推介自己的公司时,他提到了色情、性和转世。

    Elissa Shevinksy , a co-founder of Glimpse Labs , emphasized that " the best V.C.s and angels are very professional . " Then she told me a story about a well-liked investor who brought up pornography , sex and reincarnation as she tried to pitch her company to him .

  7. 可是,他的灵魂仍然存在而且能够投胎转世。

    But its spirit will still exist and can be reborn .

  8. 尼泊尔的印度教徒和佛教徒都相信转世轮回。

    Nepal 's Hindus and Buddhists believe in thedoctrine of reincarnation .

  9. 额滴神啊,我养的女儿是佛祖转世吗?

    My gosh , is my daughter the incarnation of the Budda ?

  10. 我转世这么多次也没碰到过。

    I 've never come across it in my reincarnations .

  11. 所以他会转世投胎成一个香蕉虫。

    Therefore , he is reborn as a banana slug .

  12. 人正忘记正在自然的转世中生活的事。

    A human being forgets to live in natural samsara .

  13. 人人都说长兄是酒仙转世。

    Everybody says you are an incarnation of the God of wine .

  14. 如果一切都在最高的善中发生的话,你就不会轮回转世。

    If all happened for highest good , you would not reincarnate .

  15. 她认为她是克里奥帕特拉的转世。

    She thinks that she 's a reincarnation of cleopatra .

  16. 无论你转世多少次,你都只能活下去,所以…

    You only live however many times you get reincarnated , so ...

  17. 我死后,会转世成大象

    I know when I die , an elephant will be born .

  18. 在转世之前灵魂可以在那里休息。

    Where souls go to rest before they reincarnate .

  19. 想象一下如果那就是转世轮回。

    Imagine that that 's the way reincarnation worked .

  20. 如果你朝这条路走,那是转世之路。

    If you turn that way , that is the path to reincarnation .

  21. 转世的观念并未被犹太教和基督教接受。

    The idea of transmigration was never adopted into Orthodox Judaism or christianity .

  22. 那转世之门真的回转吗?

    So does the turning gate really turn ?

  23. 您不知道这是200年转世一次的雅典娜女神吗?

    You do not know if this is200 years reincarnated goddess Athena once it ?

  24. 如果真的有的话,他是拜伦的转世还是布鲁克的转世呢?

    If there was , was he the Byron transmigrate Byron or transmigrate Brooke ?

  25. 亚洲人则相信轮回转世之说。

    The Asians devised this theory of reincarnation .

  26. 灵魂会转世到松鼠身上

    And their souls will be in squirrels .

  27. 转世投胎,不断学习。

    Again and again , learn and learn .

  28. 印度教徒和佛教徒相信轮回转世。

    Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation .

  29. 他真是个蝎子王转世。

    He is the Lizard King reincarnated .

  30. 试析历代中央政府重视对活佛转世管理的原因与措施

    On Reasons and Measures of Successive Central Governments ' Management over Living Buddha 's Reincarnation