
zhuǎn kǒu
  • transit;entrepot;ext repot;go back on one's words
转口 [zhuǎn kǒu]
  • (1) [transit;extrepot]∶物资途经一个中间港口或国家转运至另一港口或国家

  • 随着改革开放的扩大,转口渠道越来越通畅

  • (2) [go back on ones words] 〈方〉∶改嘴

  • 转口抵赖已经不可能了,因为有人在谈话时录了音

转口[zhuǎn kǒu]
  1. 本条之规定不适用于任何转口货品。

    This section shall not apply to any goods in transit .

  2. 有关转口贸易管理,不适用本办法。

    This set of measures shall not apply to transit trade .

  3. 这份文件显示,与中兴有关的另两家实体——北京八星(Beijing8-Star)和中兴伊朗(ZTEParsian)——并未被撤下制裁名单。根据美国商务部的说法,这两家实体也涉及把美国技术转口给伊朗。

    Beijing 8-Star and ZTE Parsian , two other entities connected to ZTE that according to the department of commerce were implicated in the re-exporting of US technology to Iran , are not to be taken off the sanctions list , the document said .

  4. 根据这份文件,美国商务部将“暂时恢复原有的与向中兴通讯和中兴康讯(ZTEKangxun)出口、转口和(国内)转交有关的许可证政策”。

    According to the document the US Commerce Department would " restore temporarily the status quo ante licensing policy pertaining to exports , re-exports , and transfers ( in-country ) to ZTE Corporation and ZTE Kangxun . "

  5. 鹿特丹和新加坡是转口贸易中心。

    Rotterdam and Singapore are centers for entrop ? T trade .

  6. 扩大与周边邻国的边民贸易和转口贸易。

    And expand border trade with neighboring countries and entrepot trade .

  7. 论朝鲜半岛局势缓和所蕴含的商机&将威海发展成为东北亚转口贸易中心的构想

    On the Business Opportunities Embedded in the Tension Relaxation in Korean Peninsular

  8. 中国目前以转口加工贸易为特征的国际化模式必须升级。

    Meanwhile , the present pattern of Chinese internationalizing must be upgraded .

  9. 泰国华商:开创南北行及其对香港转口贸易的贡献

    The contributions of Chinese merchants in Thailand to entrepot trade at HongKong

  10. 至少有一个两个主要政党将消失或转口的形式。

    At least one of the two major parties will disappear or re-form .

  11. 南非市场的一个突出特点是转口贸易活跃,许多国际商人把南非作为进入其他南部非洲国家市场的跳板。

    A protruding feature in the South African market is active transit trade ;

  12. 金融城是一个转口港,而不是全国冠军的舞台。

    Eg. the city is an entrepot , not an arena for national champions .

  13. 试论香港转口贸易面临的主要问题

    The Main Problems about Hong Kong Entrepot Trade

  14. 转口贸易曾经是香港经济的重要支柱之一。

    Entrepot trade was once one of the important economic pillars in Hong Kong .

  15. 美国贸易法的301条款原产国统计标准是中美贸易统计数字差异的根本原因&中美经香港转口贸易实证分析

    CHINA VS BASIC 301 Fundamental Cause of Difference Between China and US Trade Statistics

  16. 浅谈转口贸易型低温物流中心暨立体自动化冷藏库建设

    Introduction To The Automatic Palletized Cold Storage As the Logistics Centre Of Transit Trade

  17. 晚清时期香港对中国的转口贸易(1869&1911)

    Entrepot Trade of Hong Kong Toward China during the Late Qing Period ( 1869-1911 );

  18. 因此,应尽量减少转口贸易,提倡大力拓展直接远洋贸易。

    Thus it is advisable to encourage ocean-going trade and reduce entrepot trade to a minimum .

  19. 传统的转口贸易,香港至今挑着重重的担子。

    Hong Kong has been undertaking the heavy task of the mainland 's traditional entrepot trade .

  20. 这可能与投资者猜测,该公司的转口打算关闭。

    This may be related to investor speculation that the company has the intention of re-close .

  21. 中美两国贸易的很大一部分是经第三方转口的。

    A large part of Sino-US trade is conducted through entrepot trade via a third place .

  22. 此外,香港在极大程度上是个转口港,处理大量转口贸易。

    Furthermore , we are very much an entrepot , handling a large volume of re-exports .

  23. 中心内企业可与境外自由开展进出口贸易和转口贸易。

    Enterprises in the center can conduct import , export and port transfer business with overseas .

  24. 香港是欧盟和中国内地之间最重要的转口港。

    Hong Kong is the most important entrepot for trade between the EU and the Mainland .

  25. 保税区能便利转口贸易,增加有关费用的收入。

    Free tax zone can be convenient entrepot trade , increase the income of concerned charge .

  26. 他的目标是采取了儿童的街道和转口中心与基督教的家庭。

    His aim was to take the children off the streets and re-house them with Christian families .

  27. 第二,美方的出口统计,因忽视转口而低估了对中国的出口。

    Secondly , the US statistics of its exports to China has been under-estimated by neglecting re-exports .

  28. 你们经验丰富,也可搞一些转口贸易。

    Some re export business may also is do with your rich experience in trade of this type .

  29. 人生旅途中,转口就在眼前,我该怎样实现自己的人生价值。

    In the pilgrimage , transfers the mouth at present , how should I realize my life value .

  30. 香港则成为内地最重要的金融集资中心,贸易中心和运输转口中心。

    Hong Kong in turn has become the Mainland s most important centre for fund-raising , trading and re-export .