
zhuǎn dá
  • convey;communicate;pass on;mediate
转达 [zhuǎn dá]
  • [pass on;convey;mediate] 作为中间人而进行传递或传达

  • 转达问候

转达[zhuǎn dá]
  1. 请转达我们公司对李总裁的谢意。

    Please pass on our company 's gratitude to CEO Li .

  2. 我会转达你的遗憾.

    I shall pass on your regrets .

  3. 请向你的妻子转达我的歉意。

    Please convey my apologies to your wife .

  4. 通过电话将指令转达给了他。

    Instructions were relayed to him by phone .

  5. 代表团向穆巴拉克总统转达了谢意。

    The delegation was carrying a message of thanks to President Mubarak

  6. 联合国官员称正式请求已向美国当局转达。

    UN officials said a formal request was passed to American authorities

  7. 他让我转达对大家的问候。

    He asked me to give his regards to all of you

  8. 莉娜身体很好,还让我转达她对你的爱和祝福。

    Lina is fine and sends you her love and best wishes .

  9. 她要我转达对你的问候。

    She asked to be remembered to you .

  10. 我觉得乔治的经历很悲惨,请向他转达我最诚挚的祝福。

    I found George 's story very sad . Please give him my best wishes

  11. 请转达我对玛丽的良好祝愿。

    My best regards to Mary .

  12. 我请你的妹妹向你转达我的祝愿。

    I asked your sister to communicate my wishes to you .

  13. 请向她转达我的谢意。

    Please convey my gratitude to her .

  14. 我荣幸地代表我国政府向您转达如下内容。

    On behalf of my Government I have the honour to make to you the following communications .

  15. 他让我向你转达他对你的祝愿。

    He asked me to communicate his wishes to you .

  16. 大使亲自向总理转达了总统的问候

    The ambassador personally conveyed the president 's message to the premier .

  17. 见到她时请转达我的祝贺

    Please give her my congratulations when you see her .

  18. 他们会转达你的口信。

    They will relay your message .

  19. ROTOR独有的的功能是能够计算进动转达,这是目前国内工程上使用的软件所不具备的。

    The ability to computing processing speed is the unique function of ROTOR that any other counterpart in Chinese engineering does not have .

  20. 翻译的语言形式转换为语用的过程,在这一过程中,SV提挈句以其适应性和关联性制约原话语内容的转达。

    Thus the change of linguistic forms involved in translation is of pragmatic process , during which the rendering of source language meaning at discourse level is under the restriction of adaptation and relevance that are characteristic of SV structured sentences .

  21. 他不失时机地把他的态度转达给莫斯科。

    He lose no opportunity to signal his attitude to Moscow .

  22. “我可以转达您的歉意吗,陛下?”达恩德问到。

    Shall I convey your regrets , sire ? Asked darned .

  23. 请转达我对您家人到良好的祝愿!

    Volunteer : Please give my best wishes to your family !

  24. 请将我的祝福转达给你的家人。

    Please extend my wishes of good luck to your family .

  25. 于是摩西就转达上帝的意思。

    So Moses conveyed what God had said to the people .

  26. 洪女士让我转达她对你的问候。

    Ms.h__ong asked me to say " hello " to you .

  27. 我会把这个信息转达给我们的财务部。

    I 'll pass the information on to our Accounts Department .

  28. 我请求德福林由我来转达你。

    I asked Devlin if I could come tell you myself .

  29. 请向杰克转达我的新年祝愿。

    And give Jack my best wishes for the new year !

  30. 她让我转达她的谢意

    Oh , she asked me to pass along her thanks .