
zhuǎn huàn yīn zǐ
  • Conversion factor;convert user
  1. CsI:Na(CsI:Tl)荧光透过率和对X射线的转换因子

    The fluorescence escape efficiency of csi : na ( csi : tl ) phosphor and its converting factor to X-rays

  2. 采用Monte-Carlo转换因子估算有效剂量ED(mSv)。

    The effective dose ( ED ) was estimated by Monte-Carlo conversion coefficients .

  3. 变论域与变分布模糊PID控制器是两类不同的自适应模糊控制器,分别通过调整转换因子与隶属函数分布对模糊控制器的性能进行调节。

    The performance of two different kinds of fuzzy PID controllers , variable discourse fuzzy PID controller and variable distribution fuzzy controller , are optimized by adjusting scale factors or distribution of membership functions .

  4. 二元素络合物吸收光谱发生严重重叠。本文探讨了在上述体系中同时测定Pd、Rh的最佳条件,并采用迭代目标转换因子分析法(ITTFA)对Pd、Rh混合物合成样品进行同时测定。

    And iterated traget transformation factor analysis-spectrophotometry has been applied to the simultaneous determination of Pd and Rh in mixture samples with satisfactory results .

  5. 使用的软模型法主要有利用针式搜索(NS)来确定初值,利用迭代目标转换因子分析法(ITTFA)来解析动力学谱。

    The model free methods used here are Needle Search and Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis ( ITTFA ) .

  6. 在目标转换因子分析的基础上建立了一种新的模型传递方法,并将该方法与传统的分段直接标准化(PDS)方法进行比较。

    A new calibration transfer method based on target factor analysis is proposed . The performance of the new method is compared with the piecewise direct standardization method .

  7. 保存转换因子的寄存器是按单个字节(而不是整个寄存器)的使用进行处理的(il将给定的值加载到每个字中,不过您需要按每个字节来使用这些值)。

    The register holding the conversion factor was geared to a single byte usage rather than a whole register ( il loads the given value into each word but you need it in each byte ) .

  8. 水稻小麦活体植株X-D转换因子的计算

    Calculation of X D Transform Factor in Living Plants of Paddy Rice and Wheat

  9. 研究了在任意Th、U含量和Th-U比覆盖整个范围(即0≤Th/U≤∝)时总α计数率对年剂量的转换因子及其误差。

    The annual dose conversion factors of gross a count rate and their errors for arbitrary Th and U contents and the Th / U weight ratio covering the entire range 0 ≤ Th / U ≤∞ were calculated .

  10. 介绍了森林生态系统碳循环研究方法,对当前森林生态系统碳循环研究的几种主要方法模型进行了概述,主要有Miami模型和Thornthwaite模型、Chikugo模型和生物量转换因子连续法等。

    This paper emphasizes the methods of research on carbon cycle in forest ecosystems including Miami model , Thornthwaite model , Chikugo model and biomass expansion factor .

  11. 光速不变原理对应坐标时定义,而相对性原理对应原时定义,Lorentz因子正是这两个时间定义之间的转换因子。

    The principle of constancy of the speed of light corresponds with the definition of coordinate time . The principle of relativity corresponds with the definition of proper time . The Lorentz factor is the transformation factor between the two definitions of time .

  12. 采用迭代目标转换因子分析法(ITTFA)解析动力学模型未知的化学反应过程中的动力学-光谱数据矩阵,获得了各组分的动力学谱。

    Iterative target transformation factor analysis was applied to resolve the kinetic-spectral data matrix monitored in the process of spectroscopic reaction of unknown kinetic model and the kinetic spectrum of each component is obtained .

  13. 迭代目标转换因子分析法在吸附伏安法中的应用&混合色素的同时测定

    Adsorptive Voltammetric Determination of Mixed Pigment by Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis

  14. 乌桕叶的蛋白质含量和氮到蛋白质的转换因子

    Protein Contents and Nitrogen-to-Protein Conversion Factors for Chinese Tallow Leaves

  15. 关于公众成员某些放射性核素的剂量转换因子的探讨

    Study of dose conversion factors of some radionuclides for members of the public

  16. 改进的迭代目标转换因子分析研究

    Studies on the Improving Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis

  17. 双显色体系迭代目标转换因子分析法测定混合稀土的研究

    Simultaneous Determination of Rare Earth Elements Using Dual-Color System Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis

  18. 基于生物量转换因子法的我国森林碳储量区域差异分析

    Analysis on Regional Differences of Forest Carbon Storage in China Based on Biomass Expansion Factor

  19. 优化迭代目标转换因子分析法

    Optimized Iterative Target Transformation Factor Analysis

  20. 目标转换因子分析与库检索相结合用于红外混合体系定性分析

    Qualitative Analysis of Mixtures by Target Transformation Factor Analysis and Library Searching of Their Infrared Spectra

  21. β辐射剂量转换因子H'(0.07)/Da的蒙特卡罗计算

    Monte Carlo calculation of the convension factor h ′( 0.07 ) / da in β radiation field

  22. 迭代目标转换因子分析光度法同时测定化探样品中钼、钨

    Application of Iterated Target Transformation Factor Analysis in Spectrophotometry & Simultaneous Determination of Molybdenum and Tungsten in Geological Samples

  23. 引进了粗略估算地震能量转换因子的方法。

    A method to estimate roughly the factor for transforming , earthquake energy into wave energy has been introduced .

  24. 最后对采用剂量学途径及流行病学途径导出剂量转换因子所存在的不确定因素作了简单的讨论。

    And finally the uncertainty in dosimetric and epidemiological approaches for derivation of dose conversion factors is discussed briefly .

  25. 应用该优化迭代目标转换因子分析法,对二元稀土和三元氨基酸体系进行光度法多组份同时测定,结果满意。

    It has been applied to the determination of two component rare earth system and three component amino-acid with satisfactory results .

  26. 通过乘以一个斜率转换因子,将具有近似线性特性的理想迟滞模型转化成实际的期望输出模型。

    An ideal hysteretic model with approximate linear characteristics is transformed into an actual expected output model by multiplying a slope conversion factor .

  27. 既然已消除了分支,接下来需要将转换因子加载到转换寄存器的每个字节中。

    Now that you 've eliminated the branch , you need to load your conversion factor into every byte of the conversion register .

  28. 最后,本文还给出了一种基于空气环境及环境转换因子的腐蚀疲劳全寿命分析方法。

    In addition , the paper still puts forward a corrosion fatigue full-life analysis methodology basing on air environment and environment conversion factor .

  29. 把抽象正交特征光谱与以单一向量为初始向量的目标转换因子分析相结合,提出了一种新的算法,结果令人满意。

    Combining abstract eigen spectra with TTFA single vectors are used as orginal vectors , a new method is developed and the result obtained is satisfactory .

  30. 银-铜-铁-镍体系测定条件的旋转设计优化和目标转换因子分析法的同时测定

    Optimization of Experimental Parameters of Copper , Silver , Iron and Nickel by the General Revolving Combination Design and Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination with Target Factor Analysis