
hū yìng
  • echo;work in concert with;act in cooperation with each other
呼应 [hū yìng]
  • (1) [echo;work in concert with]

  • (2) 彼此声气相通

  • (3) 文章前后相照应

  • 首尾呼应

呼应[hū yìng]
  1. 最后两章中的很多说法是对前面段落的呼应。

    Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages

  2. KennethJayLane这样对你说,当你的心灵与你的珠宝能够共鸣与呼应,还有什么比这更快乐?

    Kenneth Jay Lane to you so that when your heart and your jewelry to resonate and echo , what is more fun than this ?

  3. 你提出的论点很好,但整篇文章缺乏呼应连贯。

    The points you make are fine , but the whole essay lacks coherence .

  4. 作品的前后文须呼应。

    A piece of writing should be coherent .

  5. 之所以这么命名,是因为它呼应了"意大利裔美国人"和"爱尔兰裔美国人"等已经摆脱歧视的群体的称呼。

    This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups , such as " Italian Americans " and " Irish Americans , " that had already been freed of widespread discrimination .

  6. 这些特点的总与其他专家所提到的不断的好奇心和勇于冒险相呼应。

    Their bundle of characteristics echoes the ceaseless curiosity and willingness to take risks noted by other experts .

  7. 正如我们所指出的,创客哲学与约翰·杜威、蒙台梭利甚至古希腊哲学家提倡的古老的理念相呼应。

    The maker philosophy echoes old ideas advocated by John Dewey , Montessori , and even ancient Greek philosophers , as we pointed out recently .

  8. 这种感觉与扎克伯格旧金山综合医院的治疗食品储藏室计划的信念相呼应,该计划已完成其试验阶段,并将继续扩展到全市的五家诊所。

    That feeling echoes the beliefs of the Therapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital , which completed its pilot phase and is about to expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughout the city .

  9. 这是该数据连续第三年下降,与包括法国和澳大利亚在内的其它一些国家的类似下降趋势相呼应。

    It is the third year in a row that it 's come down and echoes a similar decline in other countries , including France and Australia .

  10. 北京即将成为奥运历史上首座“双奥之城”,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会火炬整体外观与北京2008年奥运会开幕式主火炬塔的巨型卷轴形态相呼应,体现了双奥之城的传承与发扬。

    To honor Beijing 's status as the world 's first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics , the 2022 torch features a similar design to the 2008 Games ' main cauldron , which resembled a giant scroll of the Olympic spirit in the Chinese capital .

  11. 而且段落的最后一句说“以这样的方式,先进的通讯系统也有助于发展贸易”,该句在内容上与E直接呼应。

    In this way , advanced communication systems also help to develop trade .

  12. 华为周三推出了一款名为远见(Vision)、能为用户提供云计算服务的智能手机,呼应了其它手机厂商的类似举动。

    Echoing similar moves by other handset makers , Huawei on Wednesday launched the Vision , a smartphone that gives users access to cloud computing services .

  13. 一款承诺可自动整理照片图库的新款谷歌照片应用GooglePhotos,也呼应了苹果早已提供的功能。

    A new Google Photos app , with the promise of software that can automatically organise libraries of pictures , also echoed capabilities that are already offered by Apple .

  14. 这一次的不同之处在于,在FDA医疗设备部门中的9名科学家呼应了批评者们关于该审查程序已经被破坏的指责。

    The difference this time is that nine scientists within the agency 's device division are echoing critics'claims of a corrupted review process .

  15. 他的话呼应了萨拉•蔡斯(SarahChayes)所著《窃国者》(ThievesofState)一书的中心思想:腐败造成安全威胁。

    His words go to the heart of Sarah Chayes " argument in Thieves of State : that graft begets insecurity .

  16. 结论:机械性刺激猫脑MCA诱发血管痉挛早期(2h)显示内皮细胞的缺血瀑布级联效应,与神经元细胞凋亡相呼应。

    Conclusion : Ischemia cascade effect occurred in the endothelial cells in the early stage of acute mechanical cerebral vasospasm .

  17. 城市足迹馆和城市未来馆分别位于浦西的D片区和E片区,两座展馆建筑利用原工业建筑进行设计改建,构成传统与现代相互呼应的崭新空间。

    The other two pavilions , Footprint and Future , are located in two modified industrial buildings in Zone D and Zone E respectively ; they represent a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity .

  18. 如今,网络技术的飞速发展,奠定了Internet和个人计算机意义发展的基础,而于此相呼应的电子商务,则在理论上和实际应用上也都达到了前所未有的程度。

    Nowadays , the network technology is developing rapidly , which established the foundation of Internet and the personal computer significance development . Accordingly , the electronic commerce also reached a hitherto unknown degree in the theatrical and the practical applications .

  19. 作为欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)就即将进行的金融改革(呼应了华盛顿正在上演的论战)收集反馈意见的一部分,监管者和银行家9月25日在布鲁塞尔探讨了这一问题。

    Regulators and bankers will mull this over today in Brussels , as part of the European Commission 's efforts to garner feedback on forthcoming financial reforms ( initiatives which echo the ongoing debates in Washington ) .

  20. 结合城市空间信息系统的特点,论文将C/S的多层结构与P2P对等模式相结合,综合运用WebServices技术和Agent技术,构造出了协作与协同相呼应的纵横相交的网状信息服务体系。

    According to the features of urban space information system , this paper establishes a collaborated and cooperated network information service system by combining the C / S multi-level construction with P2P and by using Web Services and the Agent technique .

  21. 阿克曼坚称,希腊psi办法只应是一个“例外”,他的表态呼应了其他银行家和政治家的观点。

    He insisted the Greek psi deal should be an " exception " , echoing the language of other bankers and politicians .

  22. 停车场硬朗到几乎生硬的角度似乎与拉皮德斯轻松自在的风格不符,但其开放式结构、倾斜的V形柱却淡淡呼应了幽默的迈阿密现代主义。

    The harsh , almost geological angularity of the parking garage shears through Lapidus 's easy informality , yet with its open structure and its canted and V-shaped columns there is a faint echo of playful MiMo .

  23. P2P技术的特性同搜索引擎变革的需求照相呼应,因此,基于对等技术的分布式内容搜索技术横空出世。

    The characteristics of P2P , in certain degree , satisfy the requirement of the innovation of the search engine . Thus , the advent of the P2P-based distributed content search technology is coming up .

  24. 中国很可能会将上述言论视为一种挑衅,因为它们呼应了美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)去年发表的激怒北京方面的话。

    China is likely to see the comments as a provocation as they echo remarks by Hillary Clinton , US secretary of state , last year that infuriated Beijing .

  25. 这种做法呼应了朝鲜建国领袖金日成(KimIlSung)采取的策略,后者曾设法利用中苏之间的分歧从两方都赢取了援助。

    This would echo the strategy pursued by North Korea 's founding leader Kim Il Sung , who sought to exploit the Sino-Soviet split to extract assistance from both sides .

  26. 讽刺的是,他们的说法在西方政治和评论人士中找到的呼应,这些人也把FBI的调查看作是美国力量在进行必不可少的伸张。

    Ironically , their arguments find a mirror image among Western politicians and commentators , who view the F.B.I. investigation as a necessary expression of American power .

  27. 我们不会出于竞争目的将汇率列为目标,G20各国财长在一份声明中表示。这份声明呼应了七国集团(G7)上周作出的类似表态。

    We will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes , the G20 finance ministers said in a statement that echoed a similar call last week from the G7 .

  28. 文章首先采用与市场导向观念相呼应的TOWS检验,客观分析中国本土超市的外部、内部竞争环境,强调本土超市在了解自身优势和劣势之前,应认真审视其所面临的市场威胁与机会。

    Firstly , native supermarkets ' external and internal competition environment has been examined with TOWS analysis that consists with the market-oriented conception .

  29. 与英国经济增长方面的坏消息相呼应的,是欧洲央行(ecb)行长马里奥德拉吉(mariodraghi)发出的警告。

    The disappointing news on UK growth was echoed by the European Central Bank . Mario Draghi , its president , warned of " prevailing uncertainty " over the outlook .

  30. PPI的上涨与上周公布的消费者价格指数(CPI)相呼应:在整体及核心层面,CPI增长速度均比经济学家预期的要快。

    The surge in producer prices mirrored the release of the consumer price index last week , which also increased much faster than expected by economists at the headline and core levels .