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  • call;shout;exhale;breathe out;cry out
  • 喊:~喊。~声。~吁。~天号(háo )地。

  • 唤,叫:~唤。~叫。~应。~朋引类(招引同类的人,共同做坏事)。

  • 往外出气,与“吸”相对:~气。~吸。

  • 象声词:~地跳起来。

  • 姓。


(生物体把体内的气体排出体外) breathe out; exhale:

  • 呼出二氧化碳

    exhale carbon dioxide;

  • 呼出一口气

    exhale a breath


(大声喊) shout; cry out:

  • 大声疾呼

    shout [cry] at the top of one's voice; cry in the highest pitch of the voice (so as to draw the attention of others);

  • 伪军高呼饶命。

    The puppet soldier cried for mercy.


(叫; 叫人来) call:

  • 一呼百应

    hundreds respond to a single call;

  • 直呼其名

    address sb. disrespectfully (by name)



  • 北风呼呼地吹。

    A north wind is whistling.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 呼善

    Hu Shan

  1. 深吸一口气,然后慢慢地呼出来。

    Breathe deeply and then exhale slowly .

  2. 请你做一次正常的慢慢呼吸,同时意念把体内的浊气呼出来。

    Please breathe naturally and slowly for one time , and exhale the turbid Qi in your body by your mind .

  3. “呼”的一声,一切都毁于火海。

    There was a whoosh as everything went up in flames .

  4. 我们大多数人的内心都藏着一个呼求关注的小孩。

    Inside most of us is a small child screaming for attention .

  5. 我会叫人呼他们,告诉他们你在这儿。

    I 'll have them paged and tell them you 're here .

  6. 他看见了她,却连招呼也不打。

    He saw her but refused to even acknowledge her .

  7. 她疼得轻呼了一声。

    She let out a little cry of pain .

  8. 一阵小风呼地吹起了她的裙子。

    The thin wind snatched at her skirt .

  9. 在更大的欢呼声中骑手们冲过来了,只听呼的一声,就全部飞奔而过!

    Then came the riders amid even louder cheers and whoosh ! It was all over .

  10. 你要随身带着寻呼机,以便他们随时呼你。

    You have to carry a bleeper so that they can call you in at any time .

  11. 他们呼他为狂徒。

    They called him a crackpot .

  12. 有人在呼我。

    Somebody is paging me .

  13. 一声吼叫,呼地从林子里冲出一只老虎来

    Following the roar , out rushed a tiger from among the hushes .

  14. 当呼吸气流局部受阻,你就会打呼。

    Snoring happens when your airflow becomes partially1 blocked .

  15. 它呼一下上来了,呼一下又下去了。

    It goes whoosh up and whoosh down .

  16. 公羊斜着眼睛看看,便弯下脖子呼的一声撞上去,想把篱笆撞倒。

    It cast a sidelong glance at the fence , lowered its neck and lunged at the fence , hoping to knock it down .

  17. 一只斑鸿恰巧也在那里休息,听见猫头鹰呼味呼味地喘气,就对猫头鹰说:“你这样急急忙忙地赶路,去哪儿呀?”

    It happened that a turtledove was also resting there . Hearing the panting of the owl , it asked : " Where are you going in such a hurry ? "

  18. 又歌了一回,再饮数杯酒,不觉沉醉,力不胜酒,便呼酒保计算了,取些银子算还,多的都赏了酒保。

    He intoned the verses to himself , then downed a few more cups of wine . He was very dunk . Song-Jiang asked for the bill , paid , and told the waiter to keep the change . (

  19. 有些简单的应对方法:试着侧睡或者趴着睡(有研究表明这些姿势可能会缓解打呼症状),以及避免饮酒(酒精会松弛咽喉肌肉,使空气更难通过)。

    Some easy fixes : Try sleeping on your side or stomach ( research shows those positions may reduce snoring ) and avoiding alcohol ( liquor can relax throat muscles , making it more difficult for air to get through ) .

  20. 事实纠正:你可能读到过喉头喷雾可以防止打呼——这不是真的。打呼是因为咽喉肌肉太松弛,润滑或者麻痹咽喉就会起作用的说法毫无道理。

    Reality check : You may have read that throat sprays prevent snoring -- not true . Snoring that arises in the throat happens because the muscles are too relaxed . There 's no reason lubricating or numbing3 your throat would have any effect .

  21. 呼肠孤病毒A、B株实验感染鸡的研究

    Study on Experimental Infection in Chicken by Strain A & B of Reovirus

  22. 减毒沙门氏菌介导的禽呼肠孤病毒σC基因疫苗的构建及其免疫特性的初步研究

    DNA Vaccine of Avian Reovirus σ C Gene Delivered by Attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium and Its Immunogenicity

  23. 以番鸭呼肠孤病毒σC表达蛋白为抗原的ELISA检测方法的建立

    Development of an indirect ELISA assay for the detection of Muscovy duck reovirus using recombinant σ C protein

  24. 从SARS患者标本中分离的呼肠病毒的分纯及鉴定

    Cloning and identification of reovirus isolated from specimens of SARS patients

  25. 应用半套式RT-PCR技术诊断番鸭呼肠孤病毒病

    Diagnosis of Muscovy Duck Reovirus Disease by Semi-Nested RT-PCR

  26. 化学合成小干扰RNA分子高效抑制草鱼呼肠孤病毒复制

    Highly Efficient Inhibition on Replication of Grass Carp Reovirus Mediated by Chemically Synthesized Small Interfering RNAs

  27. 禽呼肠孤病毒σNS非结构蛋白基因的克隆和表达

    Cloning and expression of nonstructural protein gene σ NS of avian reovirus

  28. 新分离呼肠病毒基因组片段S1全长cDNA克隆及其序列分析

    CDNA cloning and sequence analysis of S1 segment of new isolated reovirus strains

  29. 由呼出气中的氡浓度估计铀矿工体内~(225)Ra的负荷量

    Estimation of radium body burden of uranium miners from concentration of radon in exhaled breath

  30. 8例呼碱型三重酸碱失衡,与血气正常者相比,PaCO2及HCO3-、Cl-浓度降低,pH升高。

    Patients were respiratory alkalosis type , with lower PaCO_2 , HCO_3 ~ - and Cl ~ - compare to normal group , respectively .