
  • Wuthering Heights
  1. 《呼啸山庄》是英国文学原著经典中非常重要的一部作品。

    ' Wuthering Heights ' is a central book in the canon of English literature .

  2. 4,000册《呼啸山庄》在两天内销售一空,对于一本已经面市145年的书而言,这是一个不错的成绩。

    4,000 copies of Wuthering Heights went in two days . That 's not bad going for a book that has been on the market for 145 years .

  3. White'sBooks版本,设计师西莉娅·波特维尔推出的视角,呼啸山庄窗外的狂风和乌云。

    Wind and clouds in a view from the window of Wuthering Heights , as seen by the designer Celia Birtwell a new edition from White 's Books .

  4. 从语法衔接手段角度比较研究《呼啸山庄》的三个中译本此项研究基于如下假设:高质量作文中的词汇衔接与语法衔接手段的频度分布(FrequencyDistribution)比次低质量作文要高。

    A Comparative Study of the Three Chinese Versions of Wuthering Heights from the Perspective of Grammatical Cohesive Devices It is hypothesized that frequency distribution of both grammatical and lexical cohesion is much higher in good composition than that in poor ones .

  5. 浅色石头地板上的粗木家具,让她想起了艾米莉·勃朗特(EmilyBront&235;)在《呼啸山庄》中描绘的那种结构粗糙的高背椅。

    Rough wood furniture on pale stone floors reminded her of chairs at Wuthering Heights that Emily Bront & # 235 ; called high-backed , primitive structures .

  6. EllisBell的呼啸山庄,你知道的,我不敢相信她没有用自己的真名。

    Told you . ELENA : " Wuthering Heights " by Ellis Bell . You know , I can 't believe she didn 't use her real name .

  7. 埃利斯曾与好友结伴前往英格兰北部的约克郡(Yorkshire),途中两人曾就《呼啸山庄》有过一次激烈讨论,由此定下该书的写作事宜。

    It begins with a heated conversation Ellis had with her best friend while on a pilgrimage to Yorkshire in the north of England , where the novel is set .

  8. 在为White'sBooks设计的封面中,织画艺术家西莉娅·波特维尔(CeliaBirtwell)魔法般地再现了艾米莉·勃朗特(EmilyBrontë's)名著《呼啸山庄》(WutheringHeights)狂风暴雨的天气。

    The textile artist Celia Birtwell conjures up the wind and the weather of Emily Bront ë 's masterpiece , Wuthering Heights , in a cover designed for White 's Books .

  9. 呼啸山庄中的一个场景,Heathcliff抱住垂死的Catherine他一生的爱EmilyBronte这样写到“喜怒哀乐全部消失,唯留毫无血色的肌肤上的青紫”。

    In a scene in Wuthering Heights , where Heathcliff embraces dying Catherine the love of his life Emily Bronte writes that there were'four distinct impressions left , blue in the colorless skin ' .

  10. ,但我不记得她曾挽起袖子,和我一起为一个越南计划剪稻田图片,或监督我读了多少页《呼啸山庄》(WutheringHeights)。

    , but I cannot recall her rolling up her sleeves to work side by side with me cutting out pictures of rice paddies for a project about Vietnam , or monitoring how many pages of Wuthering Heights I had read .

  11. 文章运用Grice会话含义理论和合作原则,以《呼啸山庄》为实例,分析了小说人物的对话中所包含的会话含义以及特殊的语用意义。

    This article takes Wuthering Heights as an example by using Grice 's Cooperative Principle and maxims to analyze the conversational implication and the special pragmatic meanings in the main characters ' conversations of this novel .

  12. 小说《呼啸山庄》中约瑟夫评价成分的翻译

    On the Translation of Appraisal Elements on Joseph in Wuthering Heights

  13. 人性与非人性的交织&《呼啸山庄》中人物形象的隐含意味私人与公共:两种关系的混合变形

    Humanity Mingled with Inhumanity Mingled Deform of Personal and Public Relations

  14. 呼啸山庄是希刺克厉夫先生的住宅名称。

    Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr heathcliff 's dwelling .

  15. 《飘》、《呼啸山庄》是天秤的最爱。

    Gone With Wind and Wuthering Heights rank among your favorites .

  16. 对于《呼啸山庄》一书的主题,有着各种不同的意见。

    There are different opinions about the theme of Wuthering Heights .

  17. 所有的译文都是杂合体,《呼啸山庄》的中文译本也不例外。

    There is no exception to Chinese translations of Wuthering Heights .

  18. 爱情:《简爱》与《呼啸山庄》的不同阐释

    The Different Explanation of Love in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Height

  19. 你对于他去呼啸山庄有什么想法?

    What do you think of his going to Wuthering Heights ?

  20. 呼啸山庄是不是一个跟画眉田庄一样好玩的地方?

    Is Wuthering Heights as pleasant a place as Thrushcross Grange ?

  21. 《呼啸山庄》:书写人类复制自我欲望的文本

    Wuthering Heights : a book about people 's desire to duplicate themselves

  22. 《呼啸山庄》长期为日本人所喜爱。

    Wuthering Heights is an old favourite with the japanese .

  23. 《呼啸山庄》人物会话中的话语基调分析

    An Analysis of the Tenor of Discourse in Wuthering Heights

  24. 戏剧性结构在《呼啸山庄》中的运用

    A Tentative Approach to the Use of Dramatic Structure in Wuthering Heights

  25. 《呼啸山庄》被认为是英国文学史上的一部巨著。

    Wuthering Heights is considered to be a masterpiece in English literature .

  26. 而希斯克里夫和凯瑟琳的爱情故事,是艾米莉·勃朗特杰作《呼啸山庄》的核心与精髓,也是难解的谜中之谜。

    The story is also called " the riddle of riddles " .

  27. 《呼啸山庄》;评价理论;情感资源;情感分类;

    Wuthering Heights ; Appraisal Theory ; Affect system ; Affect classification ;

  28. 《边城》与《呼啸山庄》的情话对白比较

    Comparison of Loving Dialogues in Bian Cheng and Wuthering Height

  29. 谁更浪漫,希斯克利夫(《呼啸山庄男主角)还是罗彻斯特先生(《简爱》男主角》)?

    Who is more romantic , Heathcliff or Mr. Rochester ?

  30. 我以为我躺在呼啸山庄我的卧房里。

    I thought I was lying in my chamber at Wuthering Heights .