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hū yù
  • call on;appeal;urge
呼吁 [hū yù]
  • (1) [appeal;call on;urge]

  • (2) 因痛苦而呼号求助

  • (3) 今指某项主张,公开要求大众的支持为呼吁

呼吁[hū yù]
  1. 我们为此呼吁募集了300多英镑。

    We collected over £ 300 for the appeal .

  2. 呼吁的成果颇丰,收到了大批毛毯、药物和衣服。

    The appeal produced a rich harvest of blankets , medicines and clothing .

  3. 不断有人呼吁恢复死刑。

    There have been repeated calls to reinstate the death penalty .

  4. 会议呼吁两年内暂停商业捕鲸活动。

    The convention called for a two-year moratorium on commercial whaling .

  5. 社区领导人再次呼吁要和平解决。

    Community leaders have renewed calls for a peaceful settlement .

  6. 我呼吁参加辩论的诸位投票反对这项动议。

    I urge the house to vote against the motion .

  7. 一直有人呼吁英国退出欧盟。

    There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU .

  8. 警方呼吁目击这一事件的人与他们联系。

    Police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them .

  9. 他正发起一项运动,呼吁在城里新建一座体育场。

    He is spearheading a campaign for a new stadium in the town .

  10. 曾有人呼吁禁止所有武器运往这个地区。

    There have been calls to embargo all arms shipments to the region .

  11. 警方呼吁群众保持克制。

    The police appealed to the crowd for restraint .

  12. 组织者呼吁人群不要惊慌。

    Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic .

  13. 警方呼吁凡是目击这一事件的人与他们联系。

    Police have appealed for anyone who witnessed the incident to contact them .

  14. 对于我们的呼吁,公众的反响极为热烈。

    The public have responded magnificently to our appeal .

  15. 他们要求停止使用暴力的呼吁并无诚意。

    Their appeals for an end to the violence had a hollow ring .

  16. 他们呼吁停止暴力。

    They have called for an end to violence .

  17. 警方发出了寻找目击证人的呼吁。

    The police have issued an appeal for witnesses .

  18. 警方呼吁证人挺身而出。

    Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward .

  19. 这篇报道呼吁禁止危险废弃物的进口。

    The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste .

  20. 我们正呼吁大家抵制雇用童工的公司的产品。

    We are asking people to boycott goods from companies that use child labour .

  21. 有人呼吁对酒后驾车的人要有更具处罚性的措施。

    There are calls for more punitive measures against people who drink and drive .

  22. 有人呼吁工会保持克制。

    There was a call for moderation on the part of the trade unions .

  23. 他们呼吁复工。

    They appealed for a return to work .

  24. 由于他呼吁增加教育经费,代表们向他报以热烈的欢迎。

    Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education .

  25. 警方已呼吁目击者出来作证,但看来当地人都三缄其口。

    Police have appealed for witnesses , but it seems the locals are keeping shtum .

  26. 民族主义领袖们呼吁保持冷静。

    Nationalist leaders appealed for calm .

  27. 为响应救济地震灾民的呼吁,几百万人慷慨相助。

    Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake .

  28. 我的呼吁白费了。

    My appeal proved futile .

  29. 他的演讲呼吁在21世纪彻底改变对待环境的态度。

    His speech called for a step change in attitudes to the environment in the 21st century .

  30. 他呼吁企业不要过度提高价格。

    He appealed to firms not to increase their prices unduly .