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  1. 为情人柳德米拉而奔走呼告的活动却促使茂文的学术事业付之东流。

    The campaign for Lyudmila cost Mervyn his academic career .

  2. 祈祷者头脑的清醒的活动,或者是祈求呼告的声音。

    the conscious occupation of the praying mind , or the sound of the voice praying .

  3. 同时,伍尔夫也参与到女权主义运动,为和平主义、社会主义奔走呼告,成为一名社会思想者。

    At the meantime , Woolf is involved in Feminist Movement , writes in support of pacifists and socialists , and becomes a social thinker .

  4. 作为一种新的突围,诗化小说经象征主义的阐释和呼告之后,成为西方文坛新贵。

    As a kind of new breakthrough , poeticized novel had become the upstart of western literary world by way of the explanation and appeal by symbolists .

  5. 主显节过后,德里街头的一辆出租车里,环保主义者保罗埃尔利希写下了一本畅销书,呼告世界已经拥有了“太多的人口”。

    After an epiphany in a taxi in a crowded Delhi street , the environmentalist Paul Ehrlich wrote a best-seller arguing that the world had " too many people " .