首页 / 词典 / good

  • fear;dread;be afraid;terrify
  • I'm afraid
  • 害怕,畏惧:~惧。~怖。~慌。惊~。有恃无~。

  • 恫吓(hè):~吓(hè)。

  • 疑虑:~怕。~不能成功。


(害怕; 畏惧) fear; dread; be afraid:

  • 惊恐

    be alarmed;

  • 有恃无恐

    With someone at his back, he does not fear anything.; feel reassured and emboldened


(使害怕) terrify; intimidate; threaten; terrorize:

  • 恐吓

    threaten; intimidate


(恐怕) I'm afraid:

  • 恐非原意。

    I'm afraid it was not the original intent.

  • 恐另有原因。

    There may be some other reason for it.

  • 消息恐不可靠。

    I'm afraid the information is not reliable.

  1. 怒、恐应激大鼠脑内c-fos与CRHmRNA表达差异性分析

    Analysis on c-fos 、 CRHmRNA in Rat Brain Induced by Anger and Fear Stress

  2. 只恐我在睡中把你丢失了。

    I fear lest I lose you when I am sleeping .

  3. 伐木工人说由于木材销量下降,他们的工作恐不复存在。

    The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales .

  4. 恐另有原因。

    There may be some other reason for it .

  5. 消息恐不可靠。

    I 'm afraid the information is not reliable .

  6. 恐有血光之灾。

    There is a looming threat of fatal disaster .

  7. 此人恐有他志。

    This man might be disloyal to you .

  8. 恐音症,也叫选择性声音敏感综合征,其实都是有个触发点的。

    Misophonia , also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome , starts with a trigger .

  9. 恐猫症:对猫不正常的惧怕

    Ailurophobia : Abnormal fear of cats

  10. 这种情况就叫“恐音症”,也就是对于某种特定声音强烈的憎恶感。

    This is the case with misophonia -- a strong dislike or hatred of specific sounds .

  11. 恐尖症(尖器恐惧症):对锋利或有尖头的物品(如针或者伸出的手指)有恐惧

    Aichmophobia : A morbid1 fear of sharp or pointed2 objects ( such as a needle or a pointing finger )

  12. 这种迷信被称为“恐四症”,在中国、日本、马来西亚和韩国等东亚和东南亚国家和地区非常普遍。

    This superstition4 is referred to as tetraphobia and is common in East Asian and Southeast Asian regions such as China , Japan , Malaysia and Korea .

  13. 英国身体畸形恐惧症基金会指出,英国健身房里大约10%的男性会员有肌肉上瘾症或健身过度症,也被称为“恐瘦症”。

    Muscle dysmorphia , also known as " bigorexia " , may now be affecting one in 10 men who visit gyms in the UK , according to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation .

  14. 某研究组织宣称,闻名世界的泰坦尼克号在深海中的残骸遭到海底超级细菌的侵蚀,残骸恐N年后彻底消失。

    A newly discovered species of rust-eating bacteria is eating the wreck of the Titanic , researchers say .

  15. 包括欧盟(EU)国家在内的一些国家已通过涉及平等的法律,保护同性恋者不受歧视和“恐同”欺凌。

    Some countries , including with ­ in the EU , have passed equality laws protecting against discrimination and homophobic bullying .

  16. 包括欧盟(EU)国家在内的一些国家已通过涉及平等的法律,保护同性恋者不受歧视和恐同欺凌。

    Some countries , including with & # 173 ; in the EU , have passed equality laws protecting against discrimination and homophobic bullying .

  17. 即使在土耳其发生未遂政变和法国尼斯遭遇恐袭后,约翰逊昨日抵达欧洲理事会(EuropeanCouncil)总部仍然吸引了在此汇聚的欧盟外交官的好奇心。

    Even after a Turkish attempted coup and the Nice attack , Mr Johnson 's arrival at the European Council headquarters yesterday still attracted curiosity from the bloc 's assembled diplomats .

  18. 一位与多家小型中国NGO密切合作的人士表示:该法律是在一种恐外情绪推动下制定的。

    This law is driven by a kind of xenophobia , said one person who works closely with small Chinese NGOs .

  19. 结果40例TMD患者主要的心理学病因有恐癌症、疑病症,工作紧张,生活事件,家庭矛盾。

    Results The main psychological factors in the 40 cases with TMD were cancer-fear , disease-suspicion , work-tension and family contradiction .

  20. IRI告诉英国《杂货》杂志,此次恐癌风潮导致相关食品销售额暴跌300万英镑。

    IRI told The Grocer magazine that this drop ' due to the scare ' was equivalent to 3 million euros .

  21. 汉森饰演的琦琦在每一幕中可谓抢足镜头,而霍华德则将这个残酷、工于心计、严重恐同的CEO演绎得淋漓尽致。

    Cookie , Henson 's character , steals each and every scene that she 's in , and Howard gives a strong performance as a cutthroat , calculating and intensely homophobic record executive .

  22. 提示:中医学肾脑相关理论有其现代的病理生理学基础,NOS、MAO-B、MDA和Tche等指标的改变可能是恐伤肾影响脑功能的部分病理基础。

    The change of Tche , MDA , MAO-B and NOS may be the partial basement that excessive fright impairs the kidney and influent brain .

  23. 苹果(Apple)曾对抗美国联邦调查局(FBI)提出的要求该公司提供特殊软件解锁圣贝纳迪诺(SanBernardino)恐袭案的案犯之一的iPhone的做法,最后FBI通过别的途径解锁了那部手机。

    Apple fought the FBI 's demand for special software to access the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino terrorists , until the FBI found another way to unlock the device .

  24. 我们现在处于这样一这样我们发展个阶段:运营商开始计划并且在他们的网络中部署部分的运营开始计划IMS,但是大规模的部署恐要花费许多年。

    We are right now in the phase where operators begin planning and deploying segments of IMS in their networks , but large segment network entiti-scale deployments may take many years to come .

  25. 经济增长放缓恐将拖累整个移动PC市场,许多大品牌,包括苹果(AppleInc.)、谷歌(GoogleInc.)以及亚马逊(Amazon.comInc.)都报告称平板电脑出货量减少。

    The slowdown threatens to drag lower the overall mobile PC market , with many major brands including Apple Inc. ( AAPL ) , Google Inc. ( GOOG ) , and Amazon.com Inc. ( AMZN ) reporting fewer tablet shipments .

  26. 但去年的恐袭瞄准了东部地区的夜生活、其一定程度上的犹太传统以及以《查理周刊》(CharlieHebdo)为代表的放荡不羁的阶层。

    But last year 's attacks targeted the east 's nightlife , its partially Jewish heritage and its bohemian classes as represented by Charlie Hebdo magazine .

  27. 数十个非政府组织(NGO)、商业协会及外国政府,已对中国一条“恐外”法律发起强烈谴责。批评人士表示,这一法律可能会严重限制从慈善活动到对外教育交流在内的一切活动。

    Dozens of non-governmental organisations , business associations and foreign governments have hit out at a " xenophobic " Chinese law that critics say could severely limit everything from charitable activities to educational exchanges with the outside world .

  28. 这一次公众情绪不像前两次袭击——第一次是2015年1月针对《查理周刊》(CharlieHebdo)和犹太超市的恐袭——发生后那么宽容。

    The public mood has been much less forgiving than in the aftermath of previous attacks , that began with the Charlie Hebdo and Jewish supermarket attacks in January 2015 .

  29. 在南方,新感染人数增加的速度,不亚于上世纪80年代;这种状况的推动因素包括恐同意识、贫困和政策制定者的错误选择,比如南方很多州的州长拒绝扩大联邦医疗补助(Medicaid)。

    In the South , new infections are at rates rivaling the 1980s , fueled by a toxic mix of homophobia , poverty and poor choices by policy makers , like the refusal of many Southern governors to expand Medicaid .

  30. 海洋公园行政总裁TomMehrmann表示,2015年7月时,内地游客数量还占入园游客人数一半以上,现在已经跌至四成。TomMehrmann预计,未来这一跌幅恐还将继续一段时间。

    Tom Mehrmann , the park 's chief executive , said the number of mainland visitors now has dropped to a mere 40 percent of the total admissions from over 50 percent in July 2015 , and he expected a further drop in numbers during the months to come .