首页 / 词典 / good

  • touch;contact;hit;feel;strike
  • 抵、顶:抵~。“羝羊~藩,赢其角”。

  • 碰,撞:~礁。~电。~动。~摸。~发。~犯。~怒。

  • 遇着:接~。~觉(jué)。~目惊心。~角(jiǎo)。~景生情。~类旁通。

  • 因某种刺激而引起感情变化:感~。忽有所~。


(接触) touch; contact:

  • 游客请勿触摸陈列品。

    Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.


(碰; 撞) strike; hit:

  • 触雷

    strike [touch off] a mine;

  • 船触礁了。

    The ship struck a rock.


(触动) touch:

  • 触到痛处

    touch a sore spot; touch sb. to the quick


(感动) move sb.; stir up sb.'s feelings:

  • 他们苦难的经历深深地触动了我们。

    The story of their sufferings moved us deeply.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 触龙

    Chu Long

  1. 他的手轻轻地触了一下她肩膀便使她跳了起来。

    The gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder made her jump .

  2. 这辆车只要你一触加速器就会加速

    The car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator .

  3. 你谈起他的第一个妻子,这就触到了他的痛处。

    You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife .

  4. 任何非法入室者都会触响报警器。

    Any intruders will trip the alarm .

  5. 阿利斯泰尔看到亨利向后缩了一下,好像那些话触到了他的痛处。

    Alistair saw Henry shrink , as if the words had touched a nerve

  6. 它有触笔屏幕键盘,需要使用者掌握很高的技巧。

    It has a stylus-operated on-screen keyboard that takes great skill to master .

  7. 他第一次触球就得分了。

    He scored the first time he touched the ball

  8. 他手触额发假装尊敬。

    He touched his forelock in mock deference .

  9. 加拉赫还没来得及追上球,纳德洛武就已经抢先一步触到球了。

    Before Gallacher could catch up with the ball , Nadlovu had beaten him to it .

  10. 船触暗礁沉没。

    The ship was wrecked on a hidden reef .

  11. 路仿佛没有尽头,街道就像触足伸开的蜘蛛编织成的黑网。

    The way seemed interminable , and the streets like the black web of some sprawling spider .

  12. 她的面色一点不改,可是斯悦辛人的淡黄眼睛瞪了起来,就好像突然触见了什么事情而痛苦似的。

    There was no change in her face , but swithin 's pale eyes bulged as though he might suddenly have been afflicted with insight .

  13. 你以后说话必须注意点,你提到他第一个妻子,这确实触到了他的痛处。

    You 'll have to be more careful about what you say ; you really caught him on the raw when you mentioned his first wife .

  14. 然后,一个温柔的吻触到了我的额头。

    Then a kiss , ever so softly , touched my brow .

  15. 普罗米修斯周期性的F环触的彩带,从材料的戒指

    Prometheus periodically gores the F ring drawing out streamers of material from the ring .

  16. 要是有人撬这扇门,就会触响警报器

    If anyone tampers with this door it trips the alarm .

  17. 她梦中的那个可爱的婴儿不知为什麽不可触知

    The lovely baby in her dream somehow have no tangibility .

  18. 改革几乎还没有触到事物的表皮。

    The reform has hardly made a scratch upon the cuticle of affairs .

  19. 它是融纳米技术、光技术净化、触酶(催化)、药学技术、生物化学为一体的新技术、新方法

    It is combined with nano-technique , light-purge technique , catalyzation , pharmaceutics and biochemistry .

  20. 我写的那篇有关锻炼的文章似乎触到了读者们的痛处。

    The article I wrote on exercising seems to have touched a nerve with the readers .

  21. 触不到的恋人想象一下,两个相爱的人—深深的,绝望的—但是他们分开了。

    Imagine two people who love each other — deeply , hopelessly — but they become separated .

  22. 它能带动所有Windows10应用软件以及那些为更小触屏设备而最优化的新Office软件。

    It will run universal Windows 10 apps and the new Office apps optimized for smaller touchscreen devices .

  23. 研究了触变性反应型树脂(简称AC树脂)对汽车涂料性能的影响。

    The influence of thixotropic reactive resin & Ac resin the automobile coating have been studied .

  24. 基于Pro/E及Ansys集成环境下的导电触片有限元分析

    The FEA for Electronic Contact at the Integrated Platform of Pro / E and Ansys

  25. 结果发现,NOS阳性触液神经元主要见于第三脑室。

    The NOS cSF Contacting neurons were mainly existed in third ventricle .

  26. A组与C组比较,A组术后机械触诱发痛和温度触诱发痛阈值降低(P<0.05),B组和C组术后各时点比较差异均无统计学意义。

    Comparing with group C , the thresholds of heat and mechanical stimulation were significantly reduce after surgery in group A ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 大鼠中枢神经NOS阳性触液神经元的形态学观察

    Morphological observation of NOS positive CSF-contacting neurons in central nervous system of rat

  28. 用于顺序过程控制的程序设计方法&单触法,规则、快捷、应用简便,可用于可编程控制器(PC)及硬件继电器控制电路的程序设计。

    The single triggering method , the programming method of sequence process controlment , can be applied to both programming method of programmable controllers and hardware relay circuits .

  29. 用HPLC法对触破式微胶囊农药的残留量及降解规律进行测定。

    This paper deals with the pesticide residues and degradation determination of contacted breaking micro capsules by means of high pressure liquid chromatograph ( HPLC ) .

  30. 苹果iphone作为触屏智能手机领域标准制定者的地位,可能很快会被一批由谷歌(google)驱动的手机超越。

    The Apple iPhone , which has been setting the bar in touch-screen smartphones , could soon be overtaken by an army of Google-powered handsets .