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  • decayed;rotten;senile
  • 腐烂:腐~。~木。永垂不~(“朽”在此引申为磨灭)。

  • 衰老:衰~。~迈。


(腐烂) rotten; decayed:

  • 枯木朽株

    withered trees and rotten stumps


(衰老) senile:

  • 老朽

    old and useless

  1. 木头已朽到一碰就碎裂的地步。

    The wood is so rotten that it crumbles at the touch .

  2. 地板朽坏了,墙壁也满是裂缝。

    The flooring is rotten and the walls are full of cracks .

  3. 本文对矩阵球对称分布的三个重要子类(Kotz型,皮尔逊Ⅱ型和皮尔逊Ⅶ型)进行了研究,给出它们的分布密度、矩、边缘分布,条件分朽、特征函数等。

    In this paper , we studied three important subclasses of spherical matrix dis - tribution ( Kotz typc , Pearson ⅱ type and Pearson ⅶ type ) . We obtained their density distributions , moments , marginal distributions , conditional distribution and characteristic functions .

  4. 他们没有买那座房子,因为房子的木料已经干朽了。

    They didn 't buy the house because it had dry rot.

  5. 在世上留下遗产是短视的,智者会花时间去建立不能朽坏、永恒的基业。你生存在世上不是为了要人记念,而是为永恒作准备。

    Living to create an earthly legacy is a short-sighted goal .

  6. 他的文章具有化破朽为神奇的力量。

    His article has the power to turn decadence into legend .

  7. 严重朽蚀饱水竹简的真空冷冻干燥研究

    Studies on the drying of waterlogged bamboo slips by vacuum freezing

  8. 古旧的纸张会被保存直至朽坏。

    And old papers will be stored until it rots .

  9. “愿你的心灵与肉体同朽。”他说道。

    " May your soul rot like your body ," he said .

  10. 新西兰辐射松根朽病与温度、湿度关系的数量模型

    Quantitative Model on the Relationship between Armillaria Root Rot and Temperature and

  11. 它们随处可见,被荒弃,倾斜,渐显灰朽。

    they are everywhereabandoned , leaning , turning gray .

  12. 在我给他打电话之前,他早就朽蚀在地狱里了。

    He 'll rot in hell , before I 'll call him up .

  13. 他们想办法阻止这古老建筑的朽坏。

    They figured out a way to stop the decay of the ancient building .

  14. 我们的血肉之体不能进天国,因为朽坏的不能承受不朽坏的。

    Our physical bodies cannot go to heaven because mortal bodies cannot inherit immortality .

  15. 惟独神所复活的、他并未见朽坏。

    But the one whom God raised from the dead did not see decay .

  16. 是在夜间发梦?还是同享那陈朽的白日梦?

    Do we dream at night , Or do we share the same old fantasy ?

  17. 我们使易朽的肉体服从周围物理环境的法则。

    We expose our mortal flesh to the laws of the physical environment around us .

  18. 生命,一种永不朽坏的生命。

    A life that will never die .

  19. 大楼逐渐开始朽坏。

    The building gradually FEL into decay .

  20. 地上的财是会朽坏的,而天上的财可以存留到永远。

    Treasures on earth do not last ! Treasures in heaven we will enjoy forever !

  21. 我看见生锈的舱壁和朽坏的舱面已在冬季坍塌。

    I saw that rusting bulkheads and decaying decks had given way during the winter .

  22. 那木头已完全朽了。

    The wood has rotted away completely .

  23. 如今,支柱似乎正在朽坏至少是在投资者眼中。

    Now that support seems to be eroding , at least in the eyes of investors .

  24. 倒在地上的树不久就朽了。

    A fallen tree soon rots .

  25. 没有罪,因此也没有朽坏,疾病,或死亡。

    There was no sin , therefore there was no decay , disease , or death .

  26. 我所看到的都是可朽之物。

    I see only the perishable .

  27. 抑制柳树根朽病病菌的药剂筛选

    Fungicide screening against Armillaria root rot Fungicide Selection for Inhibition of Armillariella tabescens Sing of Willow

  28. 油茶白朽病菌ITS基因的克隆及序列分析

    Cloning and Sequence Analysis on ITS Gene of Pathogens of White Rot Disease of Camellia oleifera

  29. 赋有轻清的灵质,不能朽坏。

    And Empyreal substance cannot fail .

  30. 有这样一句话:一个人私家的生平荡气回肠,永不朽。

    It has been said that what a man does during his life shall echo throughout eternity .