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  1. 我们玩的是同一卦的音乐

    we like the same sorts of music , you know ?

  2. 请交钱让我给你算一卦。

    Please cross my hand with silver and I 'll tell your fortune .

  3. 叫她帮我占一卦?

    Called to read me my horoscope ?

  4. 当灵公过世时,家人卜了一卦,卦中显示灵公不得葬在皇家墓园,他应该葬在郊外的沙丘里,只有那儿对灵公而言才是吉地。

    When he passed away , his family did a divination which showed that he should not be entombed in the royal cemetery but in the suburban dune which is the auspicious place to him .

  5. 《易经》最初的目的是保护人们的经济利益而避险的书,《易经》六十四卦,每一卦都以经济利益为核心,因此这让人感到十分费解。

    The Book of Changes was originally intended to protect the economic interests and avoid risks . There are sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes , the core of each hexagram is economic interests .

  6. 徐年少时,一个算命的卜了一卦说她与父亲的命相冲,此后徐便只得远离父母居住。

    Xu spent her childhood years living away from her parents after " a fortuneteller said my horoscope showed I was not compatible with my father " .

  7. 一次,他给自己算了一卦,卦底让他大吃一惊:后天凌晨启明星消失时将是他的死期!

    Once , he divined for himself , the result made him nearly jump out of his skin : the day after tomorrow , when the phosphor disappeared , he would die .