
  1. 我倒觉得我取得了一点成绩。

    I 'd like to think I 've had a modicum of success .

  2. 他这个人有了一点成绩就得意忘形。

    His head is easily turned by even a small achievement .

  3. 梅格:今天出来购物,一点成绩都没有。

    Meg : All of this shopping and I have nothing to show for it .

  4. 他的期望没个完,就算我有一点成绩,他也是不会看在眼里。

    He expects no less , and when I come through , he is so indifferent .

  5. 我们不能固步自封,夜郎自大,有了一点成绩就沾沾自喜。

    We shouldn 't feel conceited and self-satisfied and rest on our laurels because of some success .

  6. 我记得每当我取得一点成绩,他都会给我很大的鼓励。

    I remember he always gave me enormous encouragement when I did anything that was at all noteworthy .

  7. 不要自己只取得一点成绩的时候,就谁也瞧不起,别忘了,我们时时刻刻都可能像油灯那样。

    We shouldn 't despise others because of our little achievements . Don 't forget we may like that oil-lamp at all times .

  8. 每当你取得一点小成绩的时候就得到认可,这是一件多么美好的事儿啊!

    It 's always nice to be recognized when you made a little achievement .

  9. 我要说的是,孩子需要我们少一点痴迷于成绩和分数,

    What I 'm saying is , our kids need us to be a little less obsessed with grades and scores

  10. 罗新在各界朋友的关爱与支持下发展到今天在同行业内也算是取得了一点小小的成绩。

    Luo Xin developed in from all walks of life friend 's showing loving concern with the support under to today also has obtained a point of small result in the same profession .

  11. 在人的整个寿命里,IQ通常被认为是稳定的,用一个时间点的成绩来预测后期的教育成就和就业前景。

    IQ is generally considered to be stable across the lifespan , with scores at one time point used to predict educational achievement and employment prospects in later years .

  12. 我获得了一点结果,但成绩不大。

    A little of this , but not much , I have achieved .

  13. 在同样条件下,一次学习一个知识点的成绩明显好于同时学习两个知识点的成绩。

    Under the same condition , the achievement of one concept learning is much better than that of two concepts at a time learning .

  14. 这些都是在我最糟糕的日子里我所能做到的,能让我感觉一点点好起来,有一点小小的成绩。

    This was anything I could do on even my worst day to feel just a little bit good , just a little bit productive .

  15. 其次,一个人要学会遗忘自己的成绩,有些人稍微做了一点成绩就骄傲起来,沾沾自喜,这显然是造成失败的一个原因。

    Secondly , a person to learn how to forget their own success , some people do a little a little pride on the accomplishments , complacent , this is one of the reasons for the failure .