
yī jiàn zhī chóu
  • 熟语wrong of an arrow shot— loss or defeat to be retrieved
  1. 他们赢了这场比赛,报了去年输掉的一箭之仇。

    By winning the game they got their own back for last year 's defeat .

  2. 我队要向客队报一箭之仇,因为第一回合我们输了。

    Our team will be quits with the visiting team because we lost the first game .

  3. 当他们把穿着结婚礼服的我放在那张桌子上时,我将向他们报一箭之仇!

    And when they lay me in my wedding dress on that table , I 'll have my revenge on him !

  4. 我想今后我还要训练得更刻苦些,以便下次再碰到她时能报一箭之仇。

    I guess I 'm just going to have to work that little bit harder so maybe the table can turn next time I play her .

  5. 法国队凭借戈武的梅开二度和亨利的进球3:1战胜意大利,报了世界杯决赛的一箭之仇。

    France took revenge for their World Cup final defeat to Italy asles bleus won3-1 courtesy of two goals from Sydney Govou and one from Thierry Henry .