首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 他站起来把枪往肩上一背。

    He stood up and slung his gun over his shoulder .

  2. 制物主好尽是驯良可亲且慈悲的,是您一背所具有的。

    God is more gentle and compassionate that you would ever hold possible .

  3. 人们一背正在担心除夜本钟的经暂波动性:它已匹里劈脸背一边倾斜了。

    Fears over the long-term stability of Big Ben have been raised because it is beginning to tilt to one side .

  4. 我们与一批背着超大行囊的步行者擦肩而过。

    We passed a group of walkers , carrying huge packs .

  5. 他倒称心如意了,却叫我一人背黑锅。

    He got what he wanted and left me in the lurch .

  6. 你们俩一个爬到另一个背上,让我摸摸你们的脸吧。

    Git up on one another 's backs and let me touch'em.

  7. 那个流浪者把所有的东西捆成一包背在背上

    The tramp carry his belongings in a pack on his back

  8. 他只是一个背下成串单字的机器人。

    He 's just a little robot memorizing lists of words .

  9. 他有一只背上有块白毛的狗。

    He has a dog with a white patch on its back .

  10. 一种背肛螨在金黄地鼠群中的感染

    Infection of Notoedres in the Seed Line of Golden Hamster

  11. 你认为只有你一个人背着包袱吗?

    You think you 're the only person with baggage ?

  12. 你看没看见一个背黑包的人下了车?

    Did you see anyone who got off with a black hag ?

  13. 我不忍心让你一个人背黑锅

    I don 't have the heart to leave you alone holding the Bag

  14. 请认真做你的工作;你不能得体一点背着我吗?

    Please do your job properly ! Can 't you carry me decent ?

  15. 美国新产生一名背妻冠军。

    The US has a new wife carrying champ .

  16. 一只背上有棕色斑点的花大姐趴在一片草叶的叶尖。

    A brown spotted lady-bug climbed the dizzy height of a grass blade .

  17. 背包给她一个人背显然太重

    and it was much too heavy for her to carry by herself .

  18. 赶上他们,他把匣子交给他们中的一个背着。

    When he had rejoined them , he gave the coffer to one of them to carry .

  19. 于是,老妇人一路上背着重重的篮子,累得气喘吁吁。

    So the old woman panted and puffed breathlessly as she carried the heavy basket all the way .

  20. 在冬季中期,我们可以判断一只背羽淡色而头部全白的大鸥一定是蒙古银鸥。

    In the mid-winter period , a pale-mantled gull with an entirely white head really has to be Mongolian .

  21. 我一转过背,他们就偏偏做我禁止他们做的事。

    As soon as my back was turned they did the very thing I had forbidden them to do .

  22. 介之推也没有争功,自己一个人背起老母悄然离去。

    Jie , on his part , left his master with his old mother without even one word of complaint .

  23. 在纽约州西部的布法罗市,一条背街上有一家小小的焰饼店,顾客拥挤,生意兴。

    Upstate in the city of Buffalo , a small pizza parlor on a side street was doing a rush trade .

  24. 为什么要让我一个人背这个黑锅?还不是你唆使我这样干的?

    Why should you ask me to hold the Bag ? Wasn 't it you who had put me up to that ?

  25. 我与奥巴马总同一讲背担当古六开动的土耳其人仄易远暗示最深切的慰唁。

    I join President Obama and send my deepest condolences to the people of $ 2 in the wake of today 's earthquake .

  26. 左、右大动脉弓从两侧弯向背面后,会合成一根背大动脉。

    Merit-Turning-Back The latter two run along the left and right Sides of the heart and unite to form a single dorsal aorta .

  27. 20世纪的人类文化精神处于一种背反和自我冲突的境遇:繁荣与危机并存。

    Mankind 's cultural spirit in the 20th century was in a condition of antinomy and self-conflict : co-existence of prosperity and crisis .

  28. 虽然他们四个人一起参与了抢劫银行的行动,但最后只留下乔一个人背了黑锅。

    Although the four of them robbed the bank with joined efforts , it was Joe who had been left holding the bag .

  29. “天气热的话人就很难受,”菲利克斯•伟加说,但是“天冷的话就更难受了”,因为天一他的背就疼的受不了。

    " Hot weather is bad ," says Felix Vega , but " cold is worse " because it makes the back pain unbearable .

  30. 后者由一对背神经及其合成的一支背神经干组成。

    The latter are composed of one pair of dorsal nerve and a dorsal nerve trunk formed by the union of this pair of dorsal nerve .