
  • 网络One Yin;skandha
  1. 一阴一阳解结果:GR水平降低是阴阳虚证发展到一定阶段的共同病理基础之一;

    Results : The common pathological basis of the weakness of Yin and Yang was the lowered GR level without organ specificity .

  2. 一阴一阳解新见一枚宅阳布权

    About Yin and Yang a new finding weight of spade shaped coins

  3. 在水瓶座,海王星是表现在一阴排序阳能源天王星。

    In Aquarius , Neptune is behaving in sort of a yin-yang energy to Uranus .

  4. 阴阳二题一阴一阳解

    The Yin and Yang Motifs

  5. 一阴一阳谓之道的命题无疑有助于科学接受阴阳思想。

    The proposition that Yin and Yang are Tao is available to help science accept Yin-Yang thought .

  6. 一阴一阳解

    About Yin and Yang

  7. 中国古人讲,一阴一阳之谓道[3]。

    An ancient Chinese said : " The yin and the yang make up the Tao . " [ 3 ]

  8. 儒家文化的非宗教性特征表现为,在宇宙论上它认为宇宙的终极原因是“一阴一阳之谓道”;

    The non-religious characteristic of confusion culture is as follows : it regards the eternal cause of the universe is its Ying and Yang in noumenon theory ;

  9. 《周易》所述的一阴一阳之谓道,作为中国哲学理论的根基,既影响着道教,又影响着中医学。

    " One Yin and one Yang is Taoism " is the foundation of Chinese philosophy theory , moreover affecting Taoism , and affecting the Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  10. 一阴一阳之谓道的结构模型和变常互动互补的生存机制集中体现了中国哲学的价值。

    " Alternating between Yin and Yang is called Tao ", its structural model and interaction and complementary mechanism of surviving that change constantly , focus to embody Chinese philosophical merit .

  11. 两种国产试剂初筛实验一阴一阳标本确认阳性率0%,双阳标本确认阳性率80.2%;

    The confirmed positive rate of the samples whose primary screening test results were one positive and one negative by two domestic reagents was zero ; the samples that both positive was 80.2 % ;

  12. 作者认为,《系辞》论性语义为:一阴一阳的运行变化称之为道,人从天道变化中得到了善,人性使天道赋予人的这种善得到了完成和显现。

    The author holds that , Xi Ci denotes motions of Yin and Yang constitute the Dao , while human obtain virtues from the changes of the Dao of the Heaven , humanity admit the virtues endowed by the Dao of the Heaven to be accomplished and manifested .

  13. 然而,从“一阴一阳谓之道”、从“易有太极,是生两仪”推演或推导出“两仪生四象”、“四象生八卦”这是有失严谨,是有误差的。

    However , from " yin and Yang one that the people ", and " easy to Tai Chi of health unveiled the " war game or derived " unveiled four images and health "" four images health nosy " this is forsaking stringent , it is error .

  14. 1984年记录的16例临床肝炎患者三年内一例阴转,4例肝功能恢复、症征消失,成为肝炎后HBsAg携带者,11例仍有症征。

    Of the 16 clinical hepatitis patients recorded in year 1984 , one became HBsAg negative , 4 patients ' liver function tests returned to normal levels , symptoms and signs disappeared , becoming so-called posthepatitis HBsAg carriers , whilst 11 cases still kept their symptoms and signs .

  15. 在室内合成了一种阴、阳、非复合离子型多元共聚物正电胶钻井液降滤失剂JHG。

    A complex ion copolymer , JHG , containing negative and positive ionic and nonionic group is synthesized by means of aqueous solution polymerization .

  16. 没有比一个阴沉沉的不停抱怨的双鱼更让天秤感到痛苦的了。

    Nothing makes Libra more miserable then a sulky , complaining Pisces .

  17. 我正在一个阴朗的夏夜走过了母园。

    I walk through the park on a sunny summer 's day .

  18. 刻图制作出一张阴像地图。

    The technique of scribing produces a negative image .

  19. 斯达巴克把它看作是冥冥上苍的一个阴森森的警告。

    Starbuck sees it as a gloomy religious warning .

  20. 那是一个阴沈的正月天。

    That was a somber January day .

  21. 这时一种阴森森的变态使这个百岁老人象年轻人一样竖直了身子。

    Then a sort of sepulchral transformation straightened up this centenarian as erect as a young man .

  22. 20世纪30年代初,在一个阴沉沉的周日下午,心灰意冷的匈牙利作曲家鲁兰斯·查理感到内心无比煎熬。

    In the early 1930s , struggling Hungarian songwriter Rezso Seress found himself depressed one cloudy Sunday afternoon .

  23. 他跨到月台上,停了停,只看见一个阴沉沉的小车站和一小群旅客。

    He stepped to the platform and paused : a little dingy station , a small crowd of travelers .

  24. 秦观女郎诗的本质是一种阴柔美,它来源于秦观对道教的深刻体验。

    The essence of girly poems is a kind of feminine beauty , which originates from his profound experience of Taoism .

  25. 一个阴测测的声音从洞内传出来,让他们忍不住打了个寒战。

    The voice that a Yin measures is from the hole inside spread , made them unbearable to beat one cold war .

  26. 他们走到一条阴森森的街道拐角上的房子,两个男人刚从敞开的大门走了进去。

    They reached the corner house in an angle of a dismal street , through the open door of which two men had just gone in .

  27. 威尔把食品包放下,莱拉也把她的帆布背包放下,四处根本没有一点阴森森的感觉,这里只有他们两个。

    Will put down the package of food ; Lyra put down her little rucksack . There was no sign of the daemon - shadows anywhere . They were completely alone .

  28. 罪魁祸首就是:白蛇根草(学名为Eupatoriumrugosum)——一种喜阴类植物,生长于美国东部和南部的森林中。

    The culprit : white snakeroot ( Eupatorium rugosum ) , a shade-loving weed native to the forests of the eastern and southern United States .

  29. 房间里有一种颇为阴沈的气氛。

    There was a rather sepulchralatmosphere in the room .

  30. 我所能看见的未来,有且只有一个正阴森森地逼近的结局。

    I could see only one possible end looming darkly in my future .