
  1. 你可以指着一辆车说它值多少钱。

    You can point to a car and say how much its worth .

  2. 你昨晚跟很多车说过话。哪一辆是你的同伙?

    You talked up a lot of cars last night . Which one 's your associate ?

  3. 卖主把车说成是一辆古香古色的名贵轿车,但我把它叫做旧破车。

    The seller described it as a vintage car , but I 'd call it an old wreck .

  4. 维亚康姆的总经理斯考特也因车说,拍摄短片是艺术家保持其创造力的方法之一。

    Scott Roesch , general manager for Viacom Inc. 's humor site , Atom . com , said making shorts provides artists with a way to keep their creative pumps primed .

  5. 他指著在塞满车辆的停车场中的白色、黑色与蓝色轿车,以及工程车说:「数个月过去了,还是没人要买它们。」

    " It has been months and no one is buying them ," he said , pointing at the white , black and blue sedans and the construction vehicles cluttering up his lot .

  6. 偷什么样的车买主说了算。

    Cars are stolen to order for clients .

  7. 该评论对这款车没说多少好话。

    The review did not say many good things about this car .

  8. 你在车里说你需要钱。

    You said you needed money in the car .

  9. 你自己在车里说的!

    You said so in the car !

  10. 想把那辆旧车要回来可是卖车的说他已经有买家了

    Wants the old one back , but the dealer said he 's already got a buyer .

  11. 我希望未来越来越多的同学能够了解并体会到这门传统艺术的动人之处。车毅说。

    I hope in the future more and more students will realize and experience the beauty of this traditional art form , he says .

  12. 问了问周围的乘客,我们在车上说了些什么,大家说,他们说的都是外国人的名字,没听懂。

    And asked about what we had talked about on the train , the travelers that had been around us said that all we mentioned were foreign names which they could not understand .

  13. 他没打招呼就用了车,他说他为此感到非常抱歉。

    He says he 's really sorry for taking the car without asking .

  14. 他还表示,欧洲人更接受柴油车是完全说得通的。

    He said Europeans " embrace of diesels made perfect sense .

  15. 父亲让儿子开他的车。儿子说,他想要一辆自己的车。

    I want to have a car of my own .

  16. 她问我那是不是我的车,我说那是我的车。

    She asked me if it was my car and I confirmed that it was .

  17. 只是像你那晚看到的车呢还是说就是那晚的那辆车

    it just looked like the car from that night , or was the car ?

  18. 每两年公司租用配车,比如说,红色的奔驰跑车,你觉得怎幺样呀?

    And a company car leased every 2 years , say , a red sports Mercedes ?

  19. 她的车被报案说偷了。

    Her car was reported stolen .

  20. 二手车代理商们说这些日子以来他们的停车场总是留不住“臭虫”车。

    Used car dealers say they can 't keep " Bugs " on their lots these days .

  21. 每两年公司租用配车,比如说,红色的奔驰跑车,你觉得怎幺样呀?”

    and a company car leased every 2 years , say , a red sports Mercedes ? "

  22. 我问我爸能不能借他的车,他说不行。

    E.g. I asked my dad if I could borrow his car , but he said no dice .

  23. 好漂亮的黄车。威尔逊说,一面费劲地打着油。

    " It 's a nice yellow one ," said Wilson , as he strained at the handle .

  24. 该车首席工程师说,丰田公司同时提高了尾气排放效率和性能。

    The car 's chief engineer says Toyota has improved emission efficiency and performance at the same time .

  25. 但客户表示害怕拥有日本品牌的车,他说,而且我也有点担心。

    But customers are expressing fears about owning Japanese-branded cars , he said , and that worries me a bit .

  26. 祥子只好等着拉车,没说什么,也不便说什么,钱既不是他自己的。

    All Xiangzi could do was wait to pull it ; he could hardly object since the money wasn 't his .

  27. 他说如果我愿意陪他他能给我一辆甲壳虫车,唐说。

    He said he could give me a Beetle car if I was willing to ' accompany ' him , Tang said .

  28. 当我看到2010的车0,说这有辆车,我想知道是不是我那辆。

    When I look at the car in2010 and say there 's a car I wonder if it 's the same car .

  29. 目前这家公司的业务刚刚开展8个月,不过它没有透露已经售出了多少辆二手车,只是说销售速度正在加速。

    Barely in business for eight months , Carvana declines to specify how many vehicles it has sold , except to say that the rate is accelerating .

  30. 不,先生,我不能坐您的车,她说。我只剩下回家的钱了。

    ' No , sir , I can 't do that , 'she said . 'I 've only just enough money to get me home again . '