
chē huò
  • traffic accident
车祸 [chē huò]
  • [traffic accident] 车辆行驶中发生的交通事故

车祸[chē huò]
  1. 车祸过后他感到一种莫名其妙的后怕。

    He has such a panic fear after the traffic accident .

  2. 这次车祸据说是由于疏忽造成的。

    The traffic accident was allegedly due to negligence .

  3. 那辆车在发生车祸之后被警察扣留了。

    The car was impounded by the police after the accident .

  4. 只要有一个粗心大意的驾驶员便会发生车祸。

    It only takes one careless driver to cause an accident .

  5. 他的妻子在车祸中不幸身亡。

    Tragically , his wife was killed in a car accident .

  6. 有三人死于冻雾引起的连环车祸中。

    Three people died in a multiple pile-up in freezing fog .

  7. 他从车祸以后就离不开轮椅了。

    He 's been confined to a wheelchair since the accident .

  8. 两位车祸受害者已送进当地医院。

    Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital .

  9. 每周都有数百人因车祸而丧命或致残。

    Hundreds of people are killed or maimed in car accidents every week .

  10. 她在一次车祸中失去了一条腿。

    She lost a leg in a car crash .

  11. 这是出车祸以来我头一次坐在方向盘前。

    This is the first time I 've sat behind the wheel since the accident .

  12. 一次车祸使他落得在轮椅上度过余生。

    A car accident consigned him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life .

  13. 他死于一次车祸。

    He was killed in an accident .

  14. 他平安逃过了这场车祸。

    He escaped from the crash unhurt .

  15. 我开车20多年从来没出过车祸,但愿老走好运!

    I 've been driving for over 20 years and never had an accident ─ touch wood !

  16. 出车祸时,福勒曼先生正在那辆车上。

    Mr Fullemann was a passenger in the car when it crashed .

  17. 上星期她卷入了一场严重的车祸。

    She was involved in a serious car accident last week

  18. 她在车祸中颈部扭伤。

    She was suffering from whiplash injuries received in a car crash .

  19. 你总可以选择撞死他,并使之看起来像一起车祸。

    You can always run him over and make it look like an accident

  20. 他两年前遇到严重的车祸,不得不放弃务农。

    He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming

  21. 他在一场车祸中丧生。

    He was killed in a car wreck .

  22. 她的丈夫死于车祸。

    Her husband was killed in a car crash

  23. 六名乘客在车祸中丧生。

    Six passengers were killed in the accident .

  24. 他的长子几年前死于车祸。

    His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago .

  25. 那次车祸他一点也不记得了。

    He had no recollection of the crash

  26. 1986年一场严重的车祸让他永远不可能再务农了。

    A serious car accident in 1986 ruled out a permanent future for him in farming .

  27. 他的妻子在一次车祸中丧生。

    His wife was killed in a car accident .

  28. 听到丈夫出了车祸,她非常焦急。

    Anxiety overtook her when she heard her husband had had an accident .

  29. 听说丈夫遭遇车祸身亡时,她心都碎了。

    She was broken-hearted when she heard that her husband was killed in an accident .

  30. 我父亲在这次车祸中死里逃生。

    My father had a narrow squeak in the automobile accident .