
  1. 统计和词典方法相结合的双语语料库词对齐基于汉英双语语料库述宾短语的自动抽取

    Word Alignment Based on Statistic and Lexicon Extraction of Verb-Object Phrase Translation Pairs from Chinese-English Parallel Corpus

  2. 与“来、去”结合而成的述宾短语、连动短语、动补短语中的动词可以变调,变调后,短语语义产生变化。

    Used with object phrase , verbal phrase and verb-complement phrase ," come " and " go " will have tonal modifications with semantic changes .

  3. 从《癸辛杂识》中可以看出:述宾短语要实现到词的转换,必须具备一定的语音形式,同时弱化或脱落其部分甚至全部意义,使语义变得模糊,最终凝固成词。

    To achieve the conversion from predict-object phrase to a word , predict-object phrase must posses certain phonological form and weaken or lose part of even the whole meaning of itself , which will definitely make its meaning vague .

  4. 实验1-A考察了在缺乏语境条件下,显性句法知识较少的母语被试偏正/述宾歧义短语的阅读模式。

    Sub-experiment 1-A investigates the reading patterns of native speakers as testees who have rather little explicit syntactic knowledge , when context is lacking .

  5. 实验2-A考察了初中级水平的汉语言学习者偏正/述宾歧义短语的阅读模式。

    Sub-experiment 2-A studies the modifier + the modified / verb + object ambiguous phrases reading patterns by Chinese learners of elementary and intermediate levels .

  6. 汉语偏正/述宾歧义短语加工初探

    A study on the processing of ambiguous phrases in Chinese