
háo táo tòng kū
  • cry loudly;bewail mournfully;burst into a storm of tears;cry one's eyes out
号啕痛哭[háo táo tòng kū]
  1. 有许多百姓、跟随耶稣、内中有好些妇女、妇女们为他号啕痛哭。

    And there followed him a great company of people , and of women , which also bewailed and lamented him .

  2. 他们到了约但河外,亚达的禾场,就在那里大大地号啕痛哭。约瑟为他父亲哀哭了七天。

    When they reached the threshing floor of Atad , near the Jordan , they lamented loudly and bitterly ; and there Joseph observed a seven-day period of mourning for his father .