
  • 网络ticket scalper
  1. 上周二,我国发起了一项整治“号贩子”和“网络医托”的专项行动。

    China on last Tuesday launched a campaign to address the practice of hospital appointment scalping and online cappers .

  2. 八部门联合发布的通知称,将规范医疗广告,网络医疗广告必须经过卫生计生行政部门批准。经证实的“号贩子”将被加入黑名单,并纳入社会信用体系。

    Medical advertisements will be regulated , a joint statement by departments involved in the campaign said , and online medical advertisements must be approved by the health authority .

  3. 患者就医时,通常都面临着挂号难的困境,甚至还滋生出了以挂号为生的号贩子,这些弊端对于老百姓的及时有效就医和我国医疗卫生事业的发展都是极其不利的。

    Patients with medical treatment , often facing " registered difficult " predicament , these shortcomings are extremely unfavorable for timely and effective medical treatment of people and the development of medical and health undertakings in China .